Cik, Tomislav (2021) Izgubljeno desetljeće: stavovi i mišljenja o zaštiti okoliša, klimatskim promjenama i energetskoj tranziciji u Republici Hrvatskoj: izvještaj u sklopu projekta: METAR do bolje klime (Mreža za edukaciju, tranziciju, adaptaciju i razvoj). Project Report. Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja, Zagreb.
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IN CROATIAN: U posljednjih deset godina mnogo se toga promijenilo na međunarodnoj i domaćoj sceni zaštite okoliša i borbe protiv klimatskih promjena. U najtoplijem desetljeću u povijesti mjerenja globalna je znanstvena zajednica kontinuirano upozoravala svjetsku javnost na brojne postojeće negativne posljedice klimatskih promjena uzrokovanih ljudskim djelovanjem, kao i na rastuće rizike i opasnosti od nekontroliranih učinaka klimatskih promjena uzrokovanih izgaranjem fosilnih goriva. Iz današnje perspektive također je jednako jasno da je proteklo desetljeće bilo obilježeno nedostatkom značajnog sustavnog koordiniranog djelovanja u borbi protiv klimatske krize na svim razinama upravljanja. S obzirom na uočene ranjivosti, ali i određene pozitivne kontekstualne značajke hrvatskog društva u borbi s klimatskom krizom, cilj ovog istraživanja jest istražiti stavove građana Republike Hrvatske o određenim aspektima zaštite okoliša, klimatskih promjena i energetske tranzicije u Republici Hrvatskoj te pritom opisati kako su se određeni stavovi mijenjali unazad deset godina temeljem usporedbe sa rezultatima sličnog istraživanja provedenog 2011. godine. U analizi su korišteni podatci prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom (CAPI tehnikom) tijekom lipnja i srpnja 2021. godine na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku (N=1000). Rezultati pokazuju da iako se briga za okoliš kod stanovnika RH u zadnjih deset godina povećala, zaštita okoliša komparativno gledajući gubi na važnosti u odnosu na neke druge društvene probleme. Također, iako se primjećuje porast osobne motiviranosti i učestalosti određenih individualnih ponašanja koja štite okoliš, građani RH u određenoj mjeri prepoznaju važnost sistemskih rješenja i preoblikovanja ekonomskih odnosa u borbi protiv klimatske krize, pri čemu se put prema željenoj promjeni ne nazire jednoznačno i koherentno. --------------- IN ENGLISH: In the last ten years, a lot has changed on the international and domestic scene of environmental protection and the fight against climate change. In the warmest decade in the history of measurements, the global scientific community continuously warned the world public about the numerous existing negative consequences of climate change caused by human activity, as well as the growing risks and dangers of the uncontrolled effects of climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Looking back, it is also equally clear that the past decade has been marked by a lack of significant systematic coordinated action in the fight against the climate crisis at all levels of governance. With regard to the observed vulnerabilities, but also certain positive contextual features of Croatian society in the fight against the climate crisis, the aim of this research is to investigate the attitudes of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia about certain aspects of environmental protection, climate change and energy transition in the Republic of Croatia, and at the same time to describe how certain attitudes changed ten years ago based on a comparison with results of a similar survey conducted in 2011. The analysis used data collected by a survey questionnaire (CAPI technique) during June and July 2021 on a nationally representative sample (N=1000). The results show that although the concern for the environment among the inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia has increased in the last ten years, environmental protection is comparatively losing its importance in relation to some other social problems. Also, although there is an increase in personal motivation and the frequency of certain individual behaviors that protect the environment, the citizens of the Republic of Croatia to a certain extent recognize the importance of systemic solutions and the reshaping of economic relations in its fight against the climate crsis, while the path to the desired change is not clear and coherent.
Item Type: | Monograph (Project Report) |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Lost decade: attitudes and opinions on environmental protection, climate change and energy transition in the Republic of Croatia: a report within the project: METAR to a Better Climate (Network for education, transition, adaptation and development). - ISBN 978-953-7932-18-3. - Summary of research iz available at: |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Klimatska kriza, zaštita okoliša, energetska tranzicija, energetsko siromaštvo, odrast (climate crisis, environmental protection, energy transition, energy poverty, degrowth) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 13 Oct 2022 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 13 Oct 2022 12:14 |
URI: | |
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