The role of neighbourly relations and cooperation in residents’ willingness to renovate multi-family buildings in Croatia

Klasić, Anamaria and Đokić, Ratko (2023) The role of neighbourly relations and cooperation in residents’ willingness to renovate multi-family buildings in Croatia. Critical housing analysis, 10 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2336-2839

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IN ENGLISH: The inadequate legislation on multi-family housing management in Central and Eastern European post-socialist countries calls for the exploration of additional determinants of building renovation on the level of the community of residents in a building. To this end, we present here an analytical framework called the mediated-Renovation Decision (m-RD) model for simultaneously testing the direct and indirect effects that neighbourly relations, cooperation of the co-owners’ representative with the co-owners, and acceptance of the building co-ownership concept have on co-owners’ willingness to invest in building renovation. The model is based on assessments made by 325 co-owners’ representatives from multi-family buildings in Croatia. The results show that the quality of neighbourly relations affects the co-owner’s willingness to renovate not directly, but indirectly through the level of their acceptance of the building co-ownership concept. The other indirect effect of neighbourly relations – through the level of the representative’s cooperation with co-owners – was not significant. The demonstrated analytical value of the m-RD model advocates for more complex studies of the role of neighbourly relations in collective decision-making and actions in the housing domain. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Neadekvatno zakonodavstvo o upravljanju višestambenim zgradama u postsocijalističkim zemljama srednje i istočne Europe zahtijeva istraživanje dodatnih determinanti obnove zgrada, između ostalog i na razini zajednice samih stanara. U tu svrhu ovdje predstavljamo analitički okvir – model posredovane odluke o obnovi (eng. mediated-Renovation Decision model, m-RD model) – koji omogućava istovremeno testiranje izravnih i neizravnih učinaka koje kvaliteta međususjedskih odnosa, razina suradnje predstavnika suvlasnika sa suvlasnicima te mjera u kojoj suvlasnici prihvaćaju koncept suvlasništva zgrade mogu imati na spremnost suvlasnika da ulažu u obnovu zgrade. Model se temelji na procjenama 325 predstavnika suvlasnika višestambenih zgrada u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati pokazuju da kvaliteta međususjedskih odnosa utječe na spremnost suvlasnika na obnovu ne izravno, već neizravno kroz razinu prihvaćanja koncepta suvlasništva zgrade. Drugi neizravni učinak međususjedskih odnosa – kroz razinu suradnje predstavnika sa suvlasnicima – nije bio značajan. Prikazana analitička vrijednost m-RD modela poziva na kompleksnija istraživanja uloge međususjedskih odnosa u kolektivnom odlučivanju i djelovanju u području stanovanja.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Uloga međususjedskih odnosa i suradnje u spremnosti stanara na obnovu višestambenih zgrada u Hrvatskoj.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Neighbourly relations and cooperation, multi-family building renovation, collective decision-making and actions, mediation analysis (međususjedski odnosi i suradnja; obnova višestambenih zgrada; kolektivno odlučivanje i djelovanje; medijacijska analiza)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2023 18:34
Last Modified: 17 May 2024 06:57

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