Puzić, Saša and Marušić, Iris and Matić Bojić, Jelena and Pikić Jugović, Ivana and Šabić, Josip (2023) Obrazovne nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju iz učeničke i nastavničke perspektive. Biblioteka Posebna izdanja . Institut za društvena istraživanja, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-6218-98-1
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Obrazovne nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju iz učeničke i nastavničke perspektive.pdf Download (2MB) |
IN CROATIAN: Cilj istraživanja prikazanog u ovoj monografiji bio je produbiti razumijevanje različitih aspekata obrazovnih nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju iz učeničke i nastavničke perspektive. U tu svrhu prvo su predstavljene neke od teorija važnih za objašnjenje i razumijevanje obrazovnih nejednakosti (teorija kulturne reprodukcije, teorija situiranih očekivanja i vrijednosti, teorija prijetnje stereotipom i model manjinskog stresa), zajedno s pregledom recentnih istraživanja obrazovnih nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj. U drugom dijelu izloženi su rezultati aktualnog kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja s učenicima i nastavnicima srednjih škola. Istraživanje je provedeno u 25 srednjih škola iz Grada Zagreba te Krapinsko-zagorske, Međimurske, Varaždinske i Zagrebačke županije. Provedena su anketna istraživanja s učenicima (N=1238) i nastavnicima (N=268), te fokus grupe s učenicima i intervjui s nastavnicima. Rezultati kvantitativnog istraživanja s učenicima pokazuju da su nejednakosti u obrazovnim ishodima i dobrobiti učenika povezani s društvenim porijeklom, vrstom školskog programa, rodom, kao i sa statusom ranjivosti učenika. Razgovori s učenicima upućuju na razmjernu osviještenost nepovoljnog položaja određenih skupina učenika u školi. Učenici pritom posebno izdvajaju učenike s teškoćama i učenike s (financijski ili relacijski) nepovoljnom obiteljskom situacijom, dok se druge skupine učenika u nepovoljnom položaju spominju rijetko (npr. učenici-putnici) ili se uopće ne navode. Nastavnici su u svojim procjenama anketom ispitanih aspekata obrazovnih nejednakosti razmjerno homogeni, posebno s obzirom na dob i predmetno područje u kojem poučavaju. U tom smislu njihove odgovore obilježava visoka razina prihvaćanja i poštivanja vrijednosti jednakosti i sociokulturne različitosti, kao i pozitivna procjena školske klime. Kada je riječ o učenicima u nepovoljnom položaju u školi, nastavnici smatraju da siromaštvo i konfliktni odnosi u obitelji, problemi mentalnog zdravlja, invaliditet i zdravstvene poteškoće najviše smanjuju šanse učenika za uspjeh u srednjoj školi. Nasuprot tome, individualna obilježja učenika poput roda, seksualne orijentacije ili etničke pripadnosti znatno manji postotak nastavnika doživljava kao izvor ranjivosti koji može umanjiti obrazovne šanse učenika. Da se adresiranje različitih oblika ranjivosti u školi ne odvija bez poteškoća, vidljivo je iz razgovora s nastavnicima u kojima se ukazuje na brojne izazove u radu s učenicima u nepovoljnom položaju, kao i na moguće predrasude samih nastavnika prema ranjivim učenicima u školi. Dobiveni nalazi potvrđuju da je obrazovne nejednakosti potrebno adresirati s obzirom na razlike u obrazovnim ishodima, ali i s obzirom na razlike u dobrobiti učenika. Naglašava se da je takva integralna perspektiva važan preduvjet da škole, u većoj mjeri nego do sada, kompenziraju obrazovne prilike i mogućnosti za pojedince iz različitih skupina u nepovoljnom položaju. --------------- IN ENGLISH: The aim of the research presented in this monograph was to deepen the understanding of various aspects of educational inequalities in secondary education from the perspective of students and teachers. For that purpose, firstly some of the theories important for the explanation and understanding of educational inequalities were presented (the theory of cultural reproduction, the situated expectancy-value theory, the theory of stereotype threat and the minority stress model), along with an overview of recent research into educational inequalities in secondary education in Croatia. In the second part, the results of the present quantitative and qualitative research with secondary school students and teachers were provided. The research was conducted in 25 secondary schools in the City of Zagreb, as well as Krapina-Zagorje, Međimurje, Varaždin and Zagreb Counties. The questionnaire surveys were conducted with students (N=1238) and teachers (N=268), while focus groups included students, and interviews involved teachers. The results of the quantitative research with students show that inequalities in educational outcomes and students' well-being are related to the social background, type of the school programme, gender, as well as the students' vulnerable status. The focus groups with students reveal that they are rather aware of an unfavourable position of certain groups of students at school. They particularly point to students with disabilities and students with an unfavourable family situation (financial or relational). Other groups of vulnerable students are rarely mentioned (e.g. students-commuters), or not mentioned at all. The teachers are rather homogenous in their assessments of the surveyed aspects of educational inequalities, especially with regard to age and their respective subjects. In that sense, their answers point to a high level of accepting and respecting of the values of equality and sociocultural diversity, as well as the positive assessment of the school climate. When it comes to students in an unfavourable position at school, teachers find that poverty and conflict family relations, mental health problems, disability and health problems are the factors mostly reducing the students' chances to succeed in secondary school. Contrarily, students' individual characteristics, such as gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity, are perceived by a significantly lesser percentage of teachers as the source of vulnerability that can decrease the students' educational odds. The addressing of various forms of vulnerability at school does not always go smoothly, which is evident in the interviews with teachers, in which numerous challenges in working with vulnerable students are pointed to, as well as the possible prejudice of the teachers themselves towards the vulnerable students at school. The findings confirm that educational inequalities need to be addressed with regard to the differences in educational outcomes, but also according to the differences in students' well-being. It is emphasised that such an integral perspective is an important precondition for schools to compensate, more strongly than previously, the educational chances and oportunities for students belonging to various vulnerable groups.
Item Type: | Book |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Educational inequalities in secondary education from the perspective of students and teachers. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Obrazovne nejednakosti, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, obrazovni ishodi, dobrobit, učenička perspektiva, nastavnička perspektiva (educational inequalities, secondary education, educational outcomes, well-being, students' perspective, teachers' perspective) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HM Sociology L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 02 Dec 2023 08:09 |
Last Modified: | 15 Dec 2023 11:33 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1110 |
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