Gender sensitivity of teacher education curricula in the Republic of Croatia

Rogošić, Silvia and Baranović, Branislava (2024) Gender sensitivity of teacher education curricula in the Republic of Croatia. Open Education Studies, 6 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2544-7831

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The research aims to determine whether and to what extent teacher education curricula in Croatia are gender sensitive and to examine the status of courses dealing with gender-related topics. For this purpose, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the seven teacher education curricula was conducted. The analysis was based on Bernstein’s theory of classification and framing rules, which explains how control and power over knowledge and curriculum are exercised by selecting knowledge (from scientific disciplines) for the curriculum, design rules, and curriculum implementation. The findings indicate that gender-based knowledge is not given high status and significance as a teaching subject. Gender-related topics are included in teacher education curricula by weak framing and classification rules. While there are several advantages to such a curriculum design, weak classification and framing rules can lead to a lack of compliance in education on gender-related topics. A vague structure can interfere with students’ understanding of basic concepts and their interconnectedness. Students can choose courses based on personal interest rather than necessity and importance. Recommendations are made to achieve a higher level of gender sensitivity in teacher education curricula, which would contribute to better preparation of teachers for the education of children on gender equality. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi jesu li i u kojoj mjeri studijski programi za obrazovanje učitelja u Hrvatskoj rodno osjetljivi i kakav je status kolegija koji se bave rodnim temama. U tu svrhu provedena je (kvalitativna i kvantitativna) analiza programa sedam učiteljskih studija. Analiza se temeljila na Bernstainovoj teoriji klasifikacijskih i framing pravila, (1975) pomoću kojih se može objasniti kako se kroz selekciju znanja (iz znastvenih disciplina) za kurikul, pravila dizajniranja i izvedbe kurikula ostvaruje kontrola i moć nad znanjem i kurikulom te određuje status rodnih tema u programima učiteljskih studija. Nalazi pokazuju da znanju o rodnoj ravnopravnosti nije pridan visok status i značenje kao predmetu poučavanja. Rodne teme su uključene u programe učiteljskih studija u skladu sa slabim framing i slabim klasifikacijskim pravilima. Iako postoje brojne prednosti ovako kreiranog kurikula, slaba klasifikacijska i slaba framing pravila mogu dovesti do nedostatka koherentnosti u obrazovanju o rodnim temama, nejasna struktura može otežati studentima da razumiju osnovne koncepte i veze između njih, studenti mogu birati kolegije prema osobnom interesu, a ne nužno prema važnosti i potrebama i sl. Daju se preporuke za postizanje više razine rodne osjetljivosti programa učiteljskih studija što bi pridonosilo i boljoj pripremljenosti učitelja za odgoj i obrazovanje djece o rodnoj ravnopravnosti.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Rodna osjetljivost programa učiteljskih studija u Republici Hrvatskoj. - Article number: 0220225.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Classification and framing rules, Bernstein’s theory, teacher education curricula in Croatia, gender equality, content analysis (klasifikacijska i framing pravila B. Bernsteina, kolegiji o rodnim temama, programi učiteljskih studija u Hrvatskoj, rodna ravnopravnost)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 02 May 2024 14:22
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2025 12:11

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