Zlatar Gamberožić, Jelena (2024) Utjecaj pandemije COVID-19 na turizam i održivost – nastavak istraživanja odabranih mjesta srednjodalmatinskih otoka Hvara i Brača. In: Otočnost u suvremenom društvenom kontekstu - pogled u budućnost: zbornik radova sa znanstvenog kolokvija održanog 20. veljače 2023. godine. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, pp. 215-239. ISBN 978-953-347-548-6
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IN CROATIAN: U radu je prikazan nastavak istraživanja razvoja turizma na otocima oslanjajući se, iz-među ostalog, na studije slučaja raznih mjesta na otocima Hvaru i Braču. Istraživanja turističkih odrednica na otoku Braču, točnije u tri mjesta: Povlja, Postira i Bol (Zlatar, 2010; Tonković i Zlatar, 2014; Zlatar Gamberožić i Tonković, 2015; Zlatar Gamberožić i Svirčić Gotovac, 2021) i u gradu Hvaru na otoku Hvaru (Zlatar Gamberožić, 2021) analizirala su različite tipove razvoja u tim naseljima, od masovnog turizma preko održivog turizma do stagnacije. Specifičnost ovog istraživanja je analiza utjecaja pan-demije COVID-19 na odabrana naselja na Hvaru i Braču kao bitnog faktora na turi-zam prethodnih godina (2020. i 2021.). Ciljevi istraživanja su bili utvrditi trenutno stanje turizma u istraživanim mjestima na otocima, a s obzirom na socijalnu, ekološku, ekonomsku i kulturnu dimenziju održivosti te utjecaj pandemije COVID-19. Metoda istraživanja bili su polustrukturirani intervjui (metoda snježne grude - snowballmetoda i namjerni uzorak - purpose sampling) na otocima Hvaru (grad Hvar – 20 intervjua) i Braču (Povlja, Postira, Bol- 25 intervjua). Obuhvatilo se mišljenja sugovornika/ica o različitim temama vezanima uz turističko stanje i potencijalni razvoj turizma, a pogotovo s obzirom na utjecaj pandemije COVID-19. Aspekti (tematske cjeline) koji su bili analizirani su ekonomska, socijalna, ekološka i kulturna dimenzija održivosti te utjecaj i posljedice COVID-19 pandemije na turizam. U gradu Hvaru se pokazao povratak na stanje turizma prije pandemije te daljni razvoj masovnog turizma. Na Braču je situacija različita u svakom mjestu. Povlja i dalje trpe stagnaciju, s naglaskom na razvijanju ekološke i socijalne dimenzije, Postira se kreću prema masovnom tipu turizma s izgradnjom novog hotela, dok su u Bolu prisutne promjene zbog pandemije u vidu otvaranja novih tipova turističkih objekata, ali i registriranje prvih OPG-ova. Posljedice COVID-19 pandemije nisu se pokazale dugoročno prisutnima niti utjecaj-nima za već postojeće tipove turističkog razvoja u ovim mjestima. --------------- IN ENGLISH: The paper presents the continuation of research on the development of tourism on the islands, relying, among other things, on case studies of various places on the islan-ds of Hvar and Brač. Research of tourist destinations on the island of Brač, specifically in three places: Povlja, Postira and Bol (Zlatar, 2010; Tonković and Zlatar, 2014; Zlatar Gamberožić and Tonković, 2015; Zlatar Gamberožić and Svirčić Gotovac, 2021) and in the town of Hvar on the island of Hvar (Zlatar Gamberožić, 2021) analyzed diffe-rent types of development in these settlements, from mass tourism to sustainable tourism to stagnation. The specificity of this research is the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected settlements on Hvar and Brač as an important factor on tourism in the previous years (2020 and 2021). The objectives of the resear-ch were to determine the current state of tourism in the researched locations on the islands, with regard to the social, ecological, economic and cultural dimensions of su-stainability and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method was se-mi-structured interviews (snowball method and purpose sampling) on the islands of Hvar (town of Hvar - 20 interviews) and Brač (Povlja, Postira, Bol - 25 interviews). The opinions of the respondents on various topics related to the tourism situation and the potential development of tourism were covered, especially with regard to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aspects (thematic units) that were analyzed are the economic, social, ecological and cultural dimensions of sustainability and the impact and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism. The town of Hvar showed a return to the state of tourism before the pandemic and further development of mass tourism. On Brač, the situation is different in every place. Povlja continues to suffer stagnation, with an emphasis on developing the ecological and social dimension, Po-stira is moving towards a mass type of tourism with the construction of a new hotel, while in Bol there are changes due to the pandemic in the form of the opening of new types of tourist facilities, as well as the registration of the first OPGs. The consequ-ences of the COVID-19 pandemic did not prove to be long-term present or influential for the already existing types of tourism development in these places.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism and sustainability: continuation of research of selected places of the central Dalmatian islands of Hvar and Brač. - Book editors: Jana Vukić, Miljenko Jurković. - Second publisher: FF press [i. e.] Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (ISBN 978-953-379-140-1), PDF ISBN 978-953-379-196-8. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Turistički razvoj, održivost, COVID-19 pandemija, Hvar, Brač (tourism development, sustainability, COVID-19 pandemic, Hvar, Brač) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 24 Jul 2024 12:05 |
Last Modified: | 24 Jul 2024 13:06 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1150 |
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