Why history matters?: populist radical right governments in the EU and their foreign policy

Petrović, Nikola and Bilić, Josip (2024) Why history matters?: populist radical right governments in the EU and their foreign policy. The international spectator. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0393-2729 (Print), 1751-9721 (Online)

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/03932729.2024.2405153


IN ENGLISH: Four European populist radical right (PRR) prime minister parties (PiS, Fidesz, SDS and FdI) have displayed differing approaches to foreign policy. In part, these differences can be explained by their specific visions of history. Central and Eastern European (CEE) parties such as PiS, Fidesz and to a certain extent SDS, became more radical and Eurosceptic when in power. FdI, on the other hand, became less Eurosceptic and more mainstream after coming to power. CEE parties have constructed their identities around anti-communism and the notion of Western betrayal, making the liberal West and the EU their significant Other. On the contrary, for FdI it is more difficult to have the EU as a significant Other in the same sense, because Italy was a founding member of the EU and its historical grievances are not directed at the West. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also been approached and used differently by the leaders of these parties. Giorgia Meloni, Janez Janša and, at least initially, Jarosław Kaczyński used the war to strengthen their European credentials, while Viktor Orbán used it to intensify his fight against the liberal West. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Četiri europske populističke radikalno desne vladajuće stranke (PiS, Fidesz, SDS i Braća Italije) pokazale su različite pristupe vanjskoj politici. Te se razlike djelomično mogu objasniti njihovim specifičnim viđenjima povijesti. Stranke iz Srednje i Istočne Europe, PiS, Fidesz i donekle SDS, postale su radikalnije i euroskeptičnije kada su bile na vlasti. Braća Italije su, s druge strane, nakon dolaska na vlast postali manje euroskeptični i više mainstream. Stranke iz Srednje i Istočne Europe izgradile su svoj identitet na antikomunizmu i konceptu izdaje od strane Zapada, učinivši liberalni Zapad i EU svojim značajnim Drugim. S druge strane, za Braću Italije je teže imati EU kao značajnog Drugog u istom smislu, jer je Italija zemlja utemeljiteljica EU i njezine povijesne traume nisu usmjerene prema Zapadu. Čelnici ovih stranaka također su različito pristupili invaziji Rusije na Ukrajinu i koristili je na različite načine. Giorgia Meloni, Janez Janša i, barem u početku, Jarosław Kaczyński iskoristili su rat za jačanje svoje proeuropske vjerodostojnosti, dok ga je Viktor Orbán iskoristio za intenziviranje borbe protiv liberalnog Zapada.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Lnguage: English. - Title in Croatian: Zašto je povijest važna?: populističke radikalno desne vlade u EU i njihova vanjska politika.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Populist radical right, foreign policy, Euroscepticism, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel-Hamas war (populistička radikalna desnica, vanjska politika, euroskepticizam, invazija Rusije na Ukrajinu, rat Izraela i Hamasa)
Subjects: J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2024 07:32
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 07:42
URI: http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1160

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