Past reflections, present insights: a systematic review and new empirical research into the working memory capacity (WMC)-fluid intelligence (Gf) relationship

Đokić, Ratko and Koso-Drljević, Maida and Bilalić, Merim (2025) Past reflections, present insights: a systematic review and new empirical research into the working memory capacity (WMC)-fluid intelligence (Gf) relationship. Intelligence, 108. pp. 1-28. ISSN 0160-2896 (Print), 1873-7935 (Online)

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IN ENGLISH: According to the capacity account, working memory capacity (WMC) is a causal factor of fluid intelligence (Gf) in that it enables simultaneous activation of multiple relevant information in the aim of reasoning. Consequently, correlation between WMC and Gf should increase as a function of capacity demands of reasoning tasks. Here we systematically review the existing literature on the connection between WMC and Gf. The review reveals conceptual incongruities, a diverse range of analytical approaches, and mixed evidence. While some studies have found a link (e.g., Little et al., 2014), the majority of others did not observe a significant increase in correlation (e.g., Burgoyne et al., 2019; Salthouse, 1993; Unsworth, 2014; Unsworth & Engle, 2005; Wiley et al., 2011). We then test the capacity hypothesis on a much larger, non-Anglo-Saxon culture sample (N = 543). Our WMC measures encompassed Operation, Reading, and Symmetry Span task, whereas Gf was based on items from Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (Raven). We could not confirm the capacity hypothesis either when we employed the analytical approach based on the Raven's item difficulty or when the number of rule tokens required to solve a Raven's item was used. Finally, even the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) and its variant, latent growth curve modeling (LGCM), which provide more “process-pure” latent measures of constructs, as well as an opportunity to control for all relevant interrelations among variables, could not produce support for the capacity account. Consequently, we discuss the limitations of the capacity hypothesis in explaining the WMC-Gf relationship, highlighting both theoretical and methodological challenges, particularly the shortcomings of information processing models in accounting for human cognitive abilities. ------------- IN CROATIAN: Prema hipotezi kapaciteta, kapacitet radnog pamćenja (eng. working memory capacity, WMC) uvjetuje fluidnu inteligenciju (eng. fluid intelligence, Gf) time što omogućuje simultanu aktivaciju više relevantnih informacija u svrhu rezoniranja. Posljedično, korelacija između WMC-a i Gf-a trebala bi rasti u funkciji zahtjevnosti zadataka rezoniranja. U ovome smo radu načinili sustavni pregled postojeće literature o vezi između WMC-a i Gf-a. Pregled je otkrio konceptualne neusklađenosti, raspon različitih analitičkih pristupa i rezultate koji nisu jednoznačni. Dok su neke studije utvrdile vezu (npr. Little et al., 2014), većina drugih nije (npr. Burgoyne et al., 2019; Salthouse, 1993; Unsworth, 2014; Unsworth & Engle, 2005; Wiley et al., 2011). Potom smo testirali hipotezu kapaciteta na mnogo većem, ne-anglosaksonskom uzorku (N = 543). WMC mjere su uključivale operacionalni zadatak radnog pamćenja, zadatak radnog pamćenja pri čitanju i zadataka radnog pamćenja pri procjeni simetričnosti matrica, dok je Gf mjerena česticama iz Ravenovih progesivnih matrica za napredne (Raven). Hipotezu kapaciteta nismo mogli potvrditi ni kada smo koristili analize temeljene na težini Ravenovih zadataka ni kada smo koristili broj pravila (ili njihovih specifičnih oblika) potrebnih za rješavanje pojedine čestice. Konačno, čak ni primjena strukturalnog modeliranja (eng. structural equation modeling, SEM) i njegove podvarijante, modeliranja latentne krivulje rasta (eng. latent growth curve modeling, LGCM), koji pružaju “procesno čišće” latentne mjere konstrukata, kao i priliku za kontrolu svih relevantnih odnosa među varijablama, nije uspjela pružiti potporu hipotezi kapaciteta. Sukladno, u diskusiji raspravljamo o ograničenjima hipoteze kapaciteta u objašnjavanju odnosa između WMC i Gf, ističući kao teorijska tako i metodološka pitanja, posebno nedostatke modela obrade informacija u objašnjavanju ljudske inteligencije.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Refleksije o već poznatome i novi uvidi: sustavni pregled i novo empirijsko istraživanje odnosa kapaciteta radnog pamćenja (WMC) i fluidne inteligencije (Gf). - Article number: 101874.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fluid intelligence, reasoning ability, raven's matrices, working memory capacity, structural equation modeling (SEM), latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) (fluidna inteligencija, sposobnost rezoniranja, Ravenove matrice, kapacitet radnog pamćenja, strukturalno modeliranje (SEM), modeliranja latentne krivulje rasta (LGCM))
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2024 08:20
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2025 13:40

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