Gvozdanović, Anja (2024) Youth justification of informality in the post-Yugoslav countries: reflection of political socialization or pragmatism? Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 72 (4). pp. 671-695. ISSN 0003-2565 (Print), 2406-2693 (Online)
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IN ENGLISH: Informal practices are rather widespread in post-Yugoslav societies, representing a complex problem with significant social, economic and political implications. The study investigates the factors that determine or contribute to shaping young people’s benevolent attitude towards certain types of informality, by exploring the determinants of informality justification or permissiveness towards certain forms of informal practices. Firstly, justification of informal practices are observed as a reflection of youth political socialization, which imply their relation to the political system and democratic values. Secondly, this type of justification potentially stems from their rational evaluation of institutional performance by estimating the necessity of informality as a mechanism to navigate the perceived inefficiencies of formal institutions. By examining these dimensions, the aim is to detect the extent to which these two sets of factors contribute to young people’s justification of informality in the post-Yugoslav context. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Neformalne prakse razmjerno su raširene u postjugoslavenskim društvima i predstavljaju složen problem sa značajnim društvenim, ekonomskim i političkim implikacijama. Rad istražuje faktore koji određuju ili pridonose oblikovanju benevolentnog stava mladih prema nekim vrstama neformalnosti, istražujući odrednice opravdanosti neformalnosti ili permisivnosti prema određenim oblicima neformalnih praksi. Prvo, opravdanost neformalnih praksi promatra se kao odraz političke socijalizacije mladih, što implicira njihov odnos prema političkom sustavu i demokratskim vrijednostima. Drugo, ova vrsta opravdanja potencijalno proizlazi iz njihove racionalne procjene institucionalne učinkovitosti, pri čemu vide nužnost neformalnih praksi kao mehanizam za prevladavanje percipiranih neučinkovitosti formalnih institucija. Ispitivanjem ovih dimenzija cilj je otkriti u kojoj mjeri ova dva skupa faktora doprinose opravdavanju neformalnih praksi među mladima u postjugoslavenskim zemljama.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Opravdavanje neformalnosti među mladima u post-jugoslavenskim zemljama: odraz političke socijalizacije ili pragmatizma? |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Youth, post-Yugoslav countries, informality, institutions, political culture (mladi, post-jugoslavenske zemlje, informalnost, institucije, politička kultura) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 02 Jan 2025 10:44 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jan 2025 12:33 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1192 |
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