Habitus, kulturni kapital i sociološko utemeljenje interkulturnog obrazovanja

Puzić, Saša (2009) Habitus, kulturni kapital i sociološko utemeljenje interkulturnog obrazovanja. Sociologija i prostor, 47 (3). pp. 263-283. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)

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U radu se zastupa teza da “cjelovitost” interkulturnog obrazovanja može osigurati samo perspektiva u sklopu koje se kulturni (smanjenje predrasuda prema “drugom i drugačijem”) i strukturalni aspekti (obrazovne, političke i socio-ekonomske podjele) mogu dovesti u uzajamnu vezu. U tom smislu se i dva nadređena cilja interkulturnog obrazovanja, premda jedan ima strukturalni (osiguravanje jednakosti šansi za manjinske učenike) a drugi kulturni (priprema svih učenika za život u multikulturnom društvu) predznak, ne mogu razmatrati odvojeno. Za teorijsko objašnjenje nedjeljivosti strukturalnog i kulturnog aspekta interkulturnog obrazovanja autor koristi Bourdieuove koncepte habitusa i kulturnog kapitala. Ukazuje se na važnost Bourdieuove teorije habitusa kao inkorporirane društvene strukture, odnosno na činjenicu da se etnonacionalni identiteti izgrađuju na osnovi inkorporiranja etničkih podjela u društvu. S druge strane, manjinski status, koji proizlazi iz etnokulturne podjele društva, znači i nepriznati kulturni kapital, pri čemu škola predstavlja “simboličko tržište” u kojem razmjerno slabiji obrazovni uspjeh imaju manjinski učenici. Iz ovoga začaranog kruga moguće je izići samo kombiniranjem dviju strategija, jedne koja osigurava jednakost šansi i pritom senzibilizira nastavnike za specifičan položaj manjinskih učenika i druge koja, priznavajući manjinski identitet kao jednakovrijedan, propituje simboličku strukturu postojećih podjela na relaciji većina-manjina/e. (IN ENGLISH: This work supports the hypothesis that the “wholeness” of intercultural education can only be ensured if cultural (less prejudice against “the other and different”) and structural aspects (educational, political and socioeconomic division) are closely related. In that sense, the two superior goals of intercultural education, one structural (equal chances for the minority students) and the other cultural (preparing all students for the multicultural society), cannot be examined separately. The author uses Bourdieu's concepts of habitus and cultural capital to explain the theory of closely related structural and cultural aspect of intercultural education. Bourdieu's theory of habitus as incorporated social structure is pointed out, namely the fact that ethno national identity is built on incorporated ethnic division in the society. On the other hand, the minority status which is the result of ethno cultural division of the society, presents the unacknowledged cultural capital and the school is a “symbolic market” where minority students show somewhat weaker education results. It is only possible to break this vicious circle by combining two strategies: one, which ensures equal chances and makes teachers aware of the specific position of their minority students and the other which, while acknowledging the equal value of minority identity, examines the symbolic structure of the existing majority/minority division.)

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Title in English: Habitus, cultural capital and sociological foundations for intercultural education.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Interkulturno obrazovanje, Bourdieu, kulturni kapital, habitus, kultura, struktura, etničke podjele (intercultural education, Bourdieu, cultural capital, habitus, culture, structure, ethnic division)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: Karolina Vranješ
Date Deposited: 11 May 2015 13:33
Last Modified: 11 May 2015 13:33
URI: http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/290

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