Marušić, Iris and Pavin Ivanec, Tea (2008) Praćenje vršnjačkog nasilja u osnovnim školama: spolne razlike u učestalosti i vrstama nasilnog ponašanja. Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 15 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1846-5412 (Print), 1848-7971 (Online)
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Posljednjih nekoliko godina sve se više prepoznaje potreba sustavnih istraživanja fenomena vršnjačkog nasilja u hrvatskim školama i njegovih različitih manifestacija vezanih uz socio-demografska obilježja počinitelja i žrtve. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost pojedinih oblika vršnjačkog zlostavljanja u dvije točke mjerenja, na početku i nakon prve godine provedbe intervencijskog programa. Ispitivanje je provedeno u 11 osnovnih škola u različitim dijelovima Hrvatske. Pokazalo se da su dječaci češći počinitelji vršnjačkog nasilja u oba mjerenja. U prvom mjerenju postoje očekivane spolne razlike u obrascu izloženosti pojedinim vrstama nasilja, prema kojima su djevojčice više izložene različitim oblicima socijalne izolacije i relacijske agresije. Utvrđeno je da učenici u drugom mjerenju znatno češće izjavljuju da su bili nasilni ili žrtve nasilja jednom ili dvaput u odnosu na prvo mjerenje, dok je broj onih koji nisu bili ni nasilnici niti žrtve manji. Spolne razlike u drugom mjerenju nisu utvrđene. Također, učenici u drugom mjerenju rjeđe navode neke oblike nasilja poput prijetnji, uzimanja i uništavanja stvari, fizičke agresije, laganja, i širenja glasina, te izrugivanja. Ove razlike se mogu pripisati povećanoj senzibilizaciji na različite oblike nasilja nastaloj tijekom provedbe intervencijskog programa, što dovodi do njihovog jasnijeg prepoznavanja, ali i učinkovitijeg suzbijanja. (IN ENGLISH: In recent years, the need to systematically research the phenomenon of peer violence in Croatian schools and its various manifestations related to socio-demographic characteristics of the perpetrators and victims has been increasingly recognised. The aim of this research was to analyse the frequency of individual forms of peer abuse in two measurement points, in the beginning of the first year and after the first year of the implementation of intervention programme. It has been shown that boys are more frequent perpetrators of peer violence in both measurements. In the first measurement, expected gender differences in the pattern of exposure to individual types of violence are present, showing that the girls are more exposed to various forms of social isolation and relationship aggression. It has been determined that, in the second measurement, pupils significantly more frequently declare that they have been violent or that they have been victims of violence once or twice in relation to the first measurement, while the number of those who were neither perpetrators or violence nor the victims is lower. Gender differences were not determined in the second measurement. Also, in the second measurement the pupils less frequently mention some forms of violence, such as threats, taking and destroying things, physical aggression, lying and spreading rumours, and mocking. These differences can be attributed to the increased awareness of different forms of violence that appeared during the intervention programme implementation, which leads to the clearer recognition of these forms, but also to their more efficient suppression.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Title in English: Monitoring peer violence in elementary school: gender differences in the frequency and types of violent behaviour. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Vršnjačko nasilje, spolne razlike, vrste nasilja (peer violence, gender differences, types of violence) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology |
Depositing User: | Karolina Vranješ |
Date Deposited: | 02 Oct 2015 13:00 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2015 13:00 |
URI: | |
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