Bouillet, Dejana and Žižak, Antonija (2008) Standardi u radu s djecom i mladima s poremećajima u ponašanju. Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 15 (1). pp. 21-48. ISSN 1846-5412
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Prva procjena kvalitete programa prevencije poremećaja u ponašanju djece i mladih napravljena je 2002. godine, u sklopu aktivnosti Povjerenstva Vlade Republike Hrvatske za prevenciju poremećaja u ponašanju, s ciljem izrade standarda dobre prakse u radu s djecom i mladima s poremećajima u ponašanju. Izrada standarda uključivala je tri vrste aktivnosti: analizu recentne literature, razgovore u fokus grupama sa stručnjacima koji nude programe intervencija i s onima koji takve programe naručuju, te usklađivanje i formiranje prijedloga standarda dobre prakse. Potom su po posebno osmišljenom protokolu prikupljeni podaci za 239 programa. Među njima je odabrano 14 potencijalnih model programa koji su udovoljavali većini (50% i više) definiranih standarda. 2002. godine ni jedan program nije u potpunosti udovoljio svim propisanim kriterijima. Pet godina kasnije (2007. godine), izvršena je njihova ponovna procjena. Time se željelo utvrditi jesu li „ opstali na tržišti“ , kako su se razvijali, odnosno je li njihova kvaliteta rasla ili opadala. Usporedba obje procjene pokazala je da su programi vrlo dinamični te da teže kontinuiranom napretku u svim analiziranim standardima. Programi obuhvaćeni dvijema procjenama nude brojne odgovore na potrebe populacije djece i mladih s poremećajima u ponašanju. Ipak, programe je potrebno i dalje usavršavati. Udovoljavanje mnogim standardima iziskuje kvalitetniju suradnju nositelja programa i formalnih institucija društva zaduženih za prevenciju i tretman poremećaja u ponašanju. Nositelji programa bi trebali biti usmjereniji na suvremene teorijske spoznaje i evaluacije postignuća. (IN ENGLISH: The first assessment of the quality of the programme for the prevention of the behavioural disorders of the children and young persons was made in 2002, within the activities of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the prevention of behavioural disorders, with the purpose of preparing the standards of good practice in the work with the children and young persons with behavioural disorders. The preparation of standards included three types of activities: the analysis of the recent literature, discussions in focus groups with the experts who offer intervention programmes and with those who order such programmes, and the adjustment and preparation of the proposals for good practice standards. According to the specially designed protocol, the data for 239 programmes were obtained. Among them, 14 potential model programmes that satisfied the majority (50% and above that) of defined standards were selected. In 2002, not a single programme satisfied all the prescribed criteria in full. Five years later (in 2007), their reassessment was made. The aim was to determine whether they have “survived on the market”, how have they developed i.e. has their quality increased or decreased. The comparison of both assessments has shown that the programmes are very dynamic, and that they aspire to continuous progress in all analysed standards. The programmes included in both assessments offer some answers to the needs of the population of the children and young persons with behavioural disorders. Nevertheless, some programmes need to be improved even further. Meeting numerous standards requires a better co-operation between programme organisers and the formal institutions in charge of the prevention and treatment of behavioural disorders. Programme organisers should be more focused on modern theoretical notions and evaluation of achievements.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Title in English: Standards in the work with children and youth with behaviour disorders. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Djeca i mladi s poremećajima u ponašanju, standardi dobre prakse, procjena (children and youth with behaviour disorders, standards of good practice, assessment) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Karolina Vranješ |
Date Deposited: | 02 Oct 2015 13:00 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2015 13:00 |
URI: | |
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