Pećnik, Ninoslava and Matić, Jelena and Tokić Milaković, Ana (2016) Fulfillment of the child’s participation rights in the family and the child's psychosocial adjustment: children’s and parents’ views. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 23 (3). pp. 399-421. ISSN 1330-2965 (Print), 1845-6014 (Online)
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European families have been undergoing changes in power relations among the family members, including democratization of relations between parents and children. These processes were facilitated by the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), ratified in Croatia in 1991. This study examines perceived fulfillment of the provision, protection and participation rights of the child within contemporary Croatian families. In addition, it explores the links between participation rights fulfillment and children’s perception of a democratic climate in their families, as well as some indicators of children’s psychosocial adjustment. In 2010, a representative sample of 1074 seventh grade students (thirteen-year-olds) and their parents (983 mothers and 845 fathers) provided the data on measures of the child’s rights fulfillment in the family, family governing style, self-esteem, self-control, problem behaviour and resistance efficacy. Participants predominantly report respect of all of the examined rights. However, the provision rights and the protection rights are generally realized more often than the participation rights. Approximately a half of the children reported full respect of their right to freely express their opinions and ideas, and the right to influence decision making that affects them. In 9-12% of families children never or rarely experience fulfillment of their participation rights. Assessments of the ‘governing style’ in their families reveal that over a quarter of children see their families as dictatorships, anarchies, or post-revolutionary states. Higher participation rights fulfillment was linked with perceiving own family as a democracy, the child’s report of higher self-esteem and fewer behavior problems, more frequently resisting peer pressure to use substances (cigarettes, alcohol), as well as with the parent’s report of greater child’s self-control. Parents, in comparison to their children, tend to overestimate the level of fulfillment of children’s rights to protection of physical integrity, dignity, participation in decision-making and to receiving loving care. (IN CROATIAN: Europske obitelji proživljavaju promjene u pogledu odnosa moći između članova obitelji, uključujući demokratizaciju odnosa između roditelja i djece. Te je procese olakšala primjena Konvencije o pravima djeteta UN-a (1989.) koju je Hrvatska ratificirala 1991. godine. Ova studija analizira percipiranu realizaciju prava djeteta na skrb, zaštitu i participaciju unutar modernih hrvatskih obitelji. Osim toga, istražuje veze između realizacije participatornih prava i dječje percepcije demokratske klime u njihovim obiteljima, kao i neke pokazatelje psihosocijalne prilagodbe djece. U 2010. godini na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1074 učenika sedmog razreda osnovne škole (trinaestogodišnjaka) i njihovih roditelja (983 majke i 845 očeva) dobiveni su podatci o mjerama realizaciji prava djece u obitelji, upravljačkom stilu u obitelji, samopoštovanju, samokontroli, problematičnom ponašanju i djelotvornosti otpora. Sudionici uglavnom izvješćuju o poštivanju svih analiziranih prava. Ipak, prava na skrb i zaštitu općenito se realiziraju češće od participatornih prava. Oko polovice djece izvješćuje o potpunom poštivanju njihovog prava da slobodno izraze svoja mišljenja i ideje, kao i pravo da utječu na donošenje odluka koje utječu na njih. U 9-12% obitelji djeca nikada ili rijetko doživljavaju ispunjenje svojih participatornih prava. Procjena ‘upravljačkog stila’ u njihovim obiteljima pokazuje da više od četvrtine djece doživljavaju svoje obitelji kao diktature, anarhije ili post-revolucionarne države. Veća realizacija participatornih prava povezana je s doživljavanjem vlastite obitelji kao demokracije, višim samopoštovanjem djeteta i manje problematičnih ponašanja, češćem odupiranju vršnjačkom pritisku da konzumiraju supstance (cigarete, alkohol), kao i s roditeljskim opažanjem veće samokontrole djeteta, Roditelji, u usporedbi sa svojom djecom, pokazaju tendenciju precjenjivanja razine ispunjenja dječjih prava na zaštitu fizičkog integriteta, dostojanstva, sudjelovanja u odlučivanju i primanju brižne skrbi.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Realizacija participatornih prava djece i psihosocijalna prilagodba djeteta: stavovi djece i roditelja. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Participation rights of the child, child’s participation in decision-making, family democracy, parenting, adolescents, parent - adolescent relations (participatorna prava djece, dječje sudjelovanje u odlučivanju, obiteljska demokracija, roditeljstvo, adolescenti, odnosi roditelj-adolescent) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 07 Dec 2016 10:20 |
Last Modified: | 07 Dec 2016 10:37 |
URI: | |
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