Maskalan, Ana (2016) In the name of the father: a discussion on (new) fatherhood, its assumptions and obstacles. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 23 (3). pp. 383-398. ISSN 1330-2965 (Print), 1845-6014 (Online)
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Deliberation on the concepts of father and fatherhood and their literal and symbolic meanings makes the starting point of this paper. Furthermore, a short historical overview is combined with selected theories of fatherhood, which serve as a framework for placing the issues regarding modern fatherhood in the appropriate context. That context, it is concluded, rests on the historical interdependence of fatherhood, masculine identity and political power where traditional determinants of masculinity, such as aggressiveness and emotional detachment, represent a major obstacle to the fulfilling and positive father-child relationship. That relationship is partially discussed in relation to the concept of equal parental partnership, implying not only the new forms of fatherhood but the new forms of masculine identity as well. Unfortunately, there are still many obstacles to modern fatherhood, the most important one being gender inequality manifested through traditional male bread-winner and female child-rearer models. Subsequently data is provided on values and practices of Croatian men and women regarding childcare, that were collected and analysed in 2013 as part of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) and its survey on family and changing gender roles. The arising conclusion is that although many positive changes have been made the Croatian society has got a long way to go to both equal parenting and gender equality. Also, it is important to note that as a subject of political and legal controversy fatherhood cannot and must not be considered independently of the wider gender issues regarding motherhood, social status of men and women, as well as socio-economic assumptions of both fatherhood and motherhood. (IN CROATIAN: Razmatranje o pojmovima otac i očinstvo i njihovim doslovnim i simboličnim značenjima ishodište je ovoga rada. Nadalje, kratki povijesni pregled kombiniran je s odabranim teorijama očinstva koje služe kao okvir za smještanje pitanja povezanih s modernim očinstvom u prikladni kontekst. Zaključuje se da taj kontekst počiva na povijesnoj povezanosti između očinstva, muškog identiteta i političke moći gdje tradicionalne odrednice muškosti, kao što su agresivnost i emocionalna otuđenost predstavljaju glavne prepreke ispunjavajućem i pozitivnom odnosu otac-dijete. O tom se odnosu djelomično raspravlja u odnosu na koncept jednako roditeljsko partnerstvo, što ne ukazuje samo na nove oblike očinstva, nego isto tako i na nove oblike muškog identiteta. Nažalost, još uvijek postoje brojne prepreke modernom očinstvu, najvažnija od kojih je rodna nejednakost koja se manifestira putem modela tradicionalnog muškarca hranitelja obitelji i žene odgojiteljice djece. U nastavku se prikazuju podatci o vrijednostima i praksama hrvatskih muškaraca i žena u pogledu skrbi za djecu koji su prikupljeni i analizirani 2013. godine kao dio međunarodnog programa socijalnog istraživanja (International Social Survey Programme – ISSP) i istraživanja u sklopu istog o obitelji i rodnim ulogama koje se mijenjaju. Zaključak koji se nameće je da, usprkos tome što je došlo do brojnih promjena, pred hrvatskim društvom je još dugačak put do ravnopravnog roditeljstva i rodne jednakosti. Isto tako, važno je uočiti da se očinstvo, kao predmet političke i pravne kontroverzije, ne može i ne smije razmatrati neovisno od širih rodnih pitanja povezanih s majčinstvom, socijalnim položajem muškaraca i žena, kao i socio-ekonomskim pretpostavkama očinstva i majčinstva.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: U ime oca: rasprava o (novom) očinstvu, njegovim pretpostavkama i preprekama. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Father, fatherhood, masculine identity, political power, hegemonic masculinity, pater familias, gender roles, equal parental partnership, gender equality, parental leave, childcare, family (otac, očinstvo, muški identitet, politička moć, hegemonska muškost, pater familias, rodne uloge, ravnopravno roditeljsko partnerstvo, rodna jednakost, roditeljski dopust, skrb o djeci, obitelj) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General) H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 07 Dec 2016 10:37 |
Last Modified: | 07 Dec 2016 10:37 |
URI: | |
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