Ančić, Branko (2016) Religija i zdravlje: vjerska zajednica kao socijalni resurs. Biblioteka Znanost i društvo (39). Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-6218-71-4
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IN CROATIAN: U posljednjih 40-50 godina sve su intenzivnija istraživanja koja se bave odnosom religije i zdravlja, pri čemu se kao znanstvena tema pojavljuje u različitim znanstvenim disciplinama kao što su antropologija, sociologija, psihologija, medicina (psihijatrija, gerontologija, socijalna epidemiologija), itd. S obzirom na multidimenzionalnost predmeta istraživanja, različite znanosti nastoje sustavno istražiti religioznost (religijsku uključenost/angažman) i zdravlje (fizičko i mentalno). U tom smislu je to i u ovom radu osnovni istraživački cilj, pri čemu se specifičnije nastoji istražiti u kojoj mjeri i kako se taj odnos posreduje kroz pripadnost i angažman u određenim vjerskim zajednicama. U tu svrhu provelo se istraživanje u šest kršćanskih vjerskih zajednica (Savez baptističkih vjerskih zajednica, Evanđeosko pentekostna crkva, Crkva cjelovitog evanđelja, Savez crkava „Riječ života“, Crkva Isusa Krista Svetaca posljednjih dana (mormoni) i Kršćanska adventistička crkva) te jednoj ne-kršćanskoj zajednici (Hinduistička vjerska zajednica). Kako bi se vidjelo postoji li razlika u osobnom zdravlju (zdravstvenom ponašanju i zdravstvenom stanju) kod pripadnika vjerskih zajednica u usporedbi s općom populacijom koristili su se podaci iz međunarodnog istraživačkog projekta International Social Survey Programme modula „Zdravlje“. Utvrđeno je da pripadnici vjerskih zajednica određene dimenzije svojeg zdravlja procjenjuju boljim te da su vjerske zajednice zdravstveno relevantne socijalne sredine u kojima se odnos religije i zdravlje posreduje i to prvenstveno kroz mehanizme stvaranja socijalne podrške i socijalnog kapitala. --------------- IN ENGLISH: In the last 40-50 years there is a significant increase in the research that addresses the relationship between religion and health (Weaver, Pargament, Flannelly, & Oppenheimer, 2006). Variety of research topics in this field emerge within disciplines such as sociology , psychology, medicine (gerontology, social epidemiology), psychiatry, anthropology, etc. Given the multi-dimensionality of the object of research, sciences dealing with health, social sciences and behavioral sciences are trying to, especially in recent years, systematically explore religiosity (religious involvement/engagement ) and health (physical and mental). In that context this is the main research objective in this paper, but with a specific aim to explore to what extent and how this relationship is mediated through affiliation and involvement in certain religious communities. Given that the research on relationship between religion and health varies with different conceptual approaches, which largely depend on the various scientific areas engaged, one can say that the main character of this research is sociological exploration of the relationship in a particular socio-religious context (Croatian society). Therefore a survey was conducted in six Christian religious communities (Baptist Union of Religious Communities, Evangelical Pentecostal Church, Full Gospel Church, Word of Life Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and Seventh-day Adventist Church) and one non-Christian community (Hindu religious organization). In order to see whether there is a difference in personal health (health behavior and health status) among members of religious communities data from the international research project International Social Survey Programme module "Health" was used. Since there are rare studies on smaller religious communities in Croatia, the ISSP module "Religion" was used in order to reveal the extent to which participants in religious communities differ in their religiosity than the general population. The analysis showed that the subjects in religious communities have an active and consistent religiosity and that although there are certain differences between the communities, which are mostly caused by a variety of religious traditions, it seems that highly prevalent religiosity in communities creates a social platform which is characterized by homogeneity and firm integration of its own members. When data on religious involvement in a religious communities was wieved it showed that frequent participation in activities in a religious community, whether the activities were of religious or non-religious character, lead to increased social support, increased trust, increased general networking, increased sense of integration in the community, or in other words in increased general social support and social capital.
Item Type: | Book |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Religion and health: religious community as a social resource. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Religija, religioznosti, religijski angažman, zdravlje, zdravstveno ponašanje, zdravstveno stanje, vjerska zajednica kao socijalni resurs, socijalna podrška, socijalni kapital (religion, religiousness, religious engagement, health, health behaviour, health status, religious community as a social resource, social support, social capital) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 19 Dec 2016 12:56 |
Last Modified: | 05 Sep 2022 10:05 |
URI: | |
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