Seferagić, Dušica (2006) The pyramidal network of settlements in Croatia. Sociologija sela, 44 (2-3). pp. 355-368. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN ENGLISH: In the paper the author analyses the changes in Croatian society caused by socialist, transitional and neo-liberal periods. The main change is in the deregulation of the State’s role and the introduction of the market economy as well as different actors into the game. The spatial changes concern structural rather than numerical content. Many small villages have become even smaller while big cities have grown, but more in their surroundings than in themselves. That is a feature of third and fore urbanizations. Croatia’s settlement structure is “mildly” pyramidal with Zagreb at the top of the pyramid; it is the biggest, the best equipped in the technical and social sense, and has the most heterogeneous social structure. Yet those factors do not reduce its problems – largely the huge social inequalities between the very rich and the very poor, in this case in spatial terms. Only fore macro regional centres have developmental capabilities, while middle and small towns and villages do not have them. That is mostly due to political and economic decisions which favour big settlements and not smaller ones. These conclusions have been reached on the basis of several IDIZ sociological research projects. --------------- IN CROATIAN: U tekstu autorica analizira promjene u društvu izazvane socijalističkim, tranzicijskim i neoliberalnim periodima. Glavna promjena je u deregulaciji državne uloge i uvođenju tržišta i različitih slobodnih aktera. Kako u društvu tako i u prostoru. Prostorne promjene su više u strukturi naselja nego u promjeni njihova broja. Mnoga sela gube stanovništvo dok nekoliko gradova raste ali više u svojim okolicama nego u samim centrima. Struktura je naselja umjereno piramidalna s tim da je Zagreb najveći, najbolje opremljen tehničkom i društvenom infrastrukturom. Ta činjenica ne umanjuje njegove probleme, većinom ogromne socijalne i prostorne nejednakosti između vrlo bogatih i vrlo siromašnih stanovnika. Samo četiri makroregionalna centra pokazuju razvojne sposobnosti dok ih druga naselja nemaju ili ih imaju u najmanjoj mjeri. Iza toga stoji političko i ekonomsko odlučivanje koje preferira veće nad manjim. Ovi zaključci rezultat su nekoliko socioloških istraživanja u IDIZ-u.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Piramidalna mreža naselja u Hrvatskoj. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Settlements network, globalization, transition, social and spatial inequalities (mreža naselja, globalizacija, tranzicija, socijalne i prostorne nejednakosti) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 30 Dec 2016 10:20 |
Last Modified: | 01 Feb 2021 10:04 |
URI: | |
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