Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina (2006) Kvaliteta stanovanja u mreži naselja Hrvatske. Sociologija sela, 44 (1). pp. 105-126. ISSN 0038-0326
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Rad je tematski povezan sa znanstveno– istraživačkim projektom Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu pod naslovom Sociološki aspekti mreže naselja u kontekstu tranzicije, koji je realiziran u periodu od 2002. do 2005. godine. U sklopu toga provedeno je terensko istraživanje 2004. godine, a dio dobivenih podataka iz njega bit će tema ovoga rada. Navedeni se projekt odnosio na sociološko istraživanje mreže naselja u cijeloj Hrvatskoj, s veličinom uzorka od ukupno 154 naselja različitog tipa. Mreža naselja je sustav urbanih i ruralnih naselja koji zajedno čine prostornu i funkcionalnu cjelinu. Predmet istraživanja rada jest ispitati kvalitetu života u mreži naselja, i to preko elemenata stanovanja, opremljenosti kućanstava, te opremljenosti neposredne okoline ili susjedstva u naseljima. Iz dobivenih rezultata istraživanja utvrdila se postojeća kvaliteta stanovanja u naseljima, te primarna i sekundarna razina opremljenosti kućanstava u mreži naselja. Očekivano, rezultati su najbolji za najveće gradove, naročito za Zagreb, a najlošiji za seoska naselja. Općenito se potvrdila postojeća hijerarhijska struktura ispitivane mreže naselja, sa Zagrebom na vrhu. Međutim, u detaljnoj analizi zamijetili smo da je situacija ipak znatno kompleksnija. Često su podaci bolji za makroregionalne i regionalne centre nego za Zagreb, a za seoska su naselja bolja nego za gradska, ali to ovisi o ispitivanom kriteriju ili elementu kvalitete života odnosno stanovanja. (IN ENGLISH: This paper is topically related to the research project of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb "Sociological aspects of the settlements network in the context of transition" (2002 - 2005). In 2004 a field research was carried out as a part of it, and same of its resu Its will be the theme of this paper. The said project referred to the sociological research of the settlements network of the whole Croatia with a sample of 154 settlements of different types. The settlements network is a system of urban and rural settlements that make together a spatial and functional whole. The subject matter of the research is to examine the quality of life in the settlements network, using as parameters the dwelling and the quality of equipment of the households, the immediate surrounding ar neighborhood. The obtained resuIts served to ascertain the existing quality of living in the settlements and a primary and secondary level of the quality of equipment of the bousebolds in the settlements network. As expected, the resu Its showed the best quality in the biggest cities, especially Zagreb, and the worse in srna!! villages. In general, the existing hierarchic structure of the network with Zagreb on top was confirmed. However, by using a detailed analysis, it can be seen that the situation is much more complex. The resuIts for macro-regional and regional centers are often better tha n for Zagreb, and for rural settlements than for urban, but it depends on the examined criterion ar the element of quality of living, dwelling respectively.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: The quality of living in the settlements network in Croatia. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mreža naselja, kvaliteta života, tranzicija, globalizacija, stanovanje, opremljenost kućanstava, opremljenost neposredne okoline (susjedstva) (settlements network, quality of living, transition, globalization, dwelling, quality of equipment of the households and immediate surrounding (neighborhood)) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 30 Dec 2016 10:27 |
Last Modified: | 30 Dec 2016 10:27 |
URI: | |
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