Bouillet, Dejana (2006) Sociokulturni činitelji rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskim obiteljima. Sociologija sela, 44 (4). pp. 439-459. ISSN 0038-0326
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U radu se prezentiraju rezultati istraživanja provedenog u sklopu znanstvenog projekta Mladi i europski integracijski procesi Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu (voditeljica: Vlasta Ilišin). Istraživanje je usmjereno utvrđivanju sociokulturnih činitelja rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskim obiteljima, radi spoznavanja sociokulturnih okolnosti koje mogu pridonijeti postizanju više razine rodne ravnopravnosti u hrvatskom društvu. Uzorak istraživanja se sastoji od 3000 reprezentativno izabranih hrvatskih građanki i građana u dobi od 15 i više godina. Podaci su prikupljeni početkom 2004. godine. Rezultati ukazuju da većina ispitanika izražava stavove kojima podržavaju tradicionalnu ulogu žene. Ti stavovi statistički značajno ovise o sociokulturnim obilježjima ispitanika. Rodnu ravnopravnost izrazitije zastupaju djevojke/žene mlađe dobi, višeg stupnja obrazovanja, zaposlene osobe urbanog rezidencijalnog statusa i manje religiozni ispitanici koji ne žive u bračnoj zajednici. Autorica rezultate ovog istraživanja uspoređuje s drugim srodnim istraživanjima (primjerice, Vrijednosni sustav mladih i društvene promjene u Hrvatskoj Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu i Planiranje obitelji i uloga žene u obitelji Centra za istraživanje tržišta) te zaključuje da je znatnije promjene u stavovima o rodnoj ravnopravnosti moguće očekivati tek kada se značajno promjene brojni društveni uvjeti koji danas više ili manje posredno podržavaju neravnopravnost. Posebno se zalaže za osiguravanje kvalitetnije mogućnosti usaglašavanja poslovnih i obiteljskih obveza muškaraca i žena i to putem otvaranja raznovrsnih uslužnih centara za skrb o djeci i obitelji, te poticanjem očeva da značajnije participiraju u korištenju roditeljskog dopusta. (IN ENGLISH: This paper presents results of research which has been within the scope of the scientific project Youth and the European Integration Process, carried out by the Institute for Social Researches in Zagreb (manager: Vlasta Ilišin, Ph.D.). The aim of this research is to identify sociocultural factors of the gender equality in Croatian families in order to realize sociocultural circumstances which can contribute towards achieving of the higher level of the gender equality in the Croatian society. The sample of research consists of 3000 representatively chosen Croatian citizens, 15 and more years old. The data were gathered in early 2004. Results have indicated that the majority of examinees express attitudes which support the traditional role of women. These gender equality attitudes statistically significantly depend on the sociocultural characteristics of examinees. The gender equality is more distinctively represented by the younger girls/women which have highest level of the education, by the employed persons with the urban residential status and by the examinees who are less religious and who are not married. The author compares results of research with the other similar researches (for example: The Value System of Youth and Social Changes in Croatia, carried out by the Institute for Social Researches in Zagreb and Family Planning And Role of The Woman In The Family carried out by the Center for Market Research). She concludes that more extensive changes in the gender equality attitudes are possible to expect only when the numerous of social circumstances, which more or less indirectly support the inequality, are changed. She specially advocates for creating better possibilities for the conciliation of professional and family responsibilities of women and men, by opening of various child and family care centers and by the encouraging fathers to take part in the using of parental leave to the greater extent.)
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Sociocultural factors of the gender equality in Croatian families. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Rodna ravnopravnost, stavovi, sociokulturna obilježja, obitelj, Hrvatska (the gender equality, attitudes, sociocultural caracteristic family, Croatia) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 30 Dec 2016 12:02 |
Last Modified: | 30 Dec 2016 12:02 |
URI: | |
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