Seferagić, Dušica (2005) Piramidalna mreža gradova. Sociologija sela, 43 (3). pp. 579-615. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN CROATIAN: Osnovna je tema teksta opremljenost infrastrukturom i dostupnost elemenata infrastrukturne opremljenosti u mreži gradova Hrvatske. Autorica, prvo, u uvodu analizira svjetsku literaturu posvećenu globalizaciji, tj. promjenama u mreži gradova prouzročenim globalizacijom, upozorujući na raznolike i proturječne procese u prostoru: homogenizaciju i heterogenizaciju prostora, nastanak novih mreža naselja, pojavu novih struktura (megalopolisa, kozmopolisa, svjetskih i globalnih gradova itd.), raspodjelu funkcija hijerarhijskog tipa, lom postojećih granica (primjerice, među nacionalnim državama). Potom analizira rezultate istraživanja provedenog na slučajnom uzorku 47 gradova u Hrvatskoj, podijeljenih na glavni grad, makroregionalne centre (četiri sa Zagrebom), 16 drugih županijskih središta, te 27 ostalih gradova. Upitnikom za naselja prikupljeni su podaci o opremljenosti naselja pod kojom se razumijeva komunalni i društveni standard, te o dostupnosti stanovništvu onih elemenata opremljenosti kojih u gradu nema, odnosno u kojem najbližem mjestu (gradu) stanovništvo može zadovoljiti dotične potrebe. Interpretirani su rezultati za ove elemente društvene, tehničke i druge opremljenosti: pravosuđe, financijske i druge službe, zdravstvene ustanove, socijalnu skrb, obrazovne ustanove, kulturne ustanove, sportske institucije i objekte, objekte zabave, trgovine, obrt i industriju, komunalnu opremljenost, prometnu opremljenost, nevladine organizacije i prostorne planove. Rezultati ukazuju na zakonomjernu hijerarhijsku, tj. piramidalnu strukturu mreže naselja od većih k manjima. Mreža gradova u Hrvatskoj nije, međutim, izrazito hijerarhijska, osim kad je riječ o metropoli. Na vrhu piramide je hrvatska metropola - Zagreb koji obnaša gotovo sve funkcije za sebe samog, užu okolicu, cijelu državu, prema regiji, a ponekad i šire. Makroregionalni centri su žarišta razvoja vlastite okolice pa i šire, dok su manji gradovi ovisniji o njima, a srednji i najmanji malokad uspijevaju nositi razvoj. ------- IN ENGLISH: The infrastructural equipment and the accessibility of its elements within the network of towns in Croatia is the basic issue of this paper. In the introduction the author first analyses the world literature on globalization, i.e. on changes in the network of towns caused by globalization, calling attention to various and contradictory processes in the space: spatial homogenization and heterogenization, origination of the new networks of settlements, emergence of the new structures (megapolises, cosmopolises, world and global towns, etc.), hierarchical type of distribution of functions, break of the existing borders (e.g. between the national countries). Then she the results of the research carried out on the random sample of 47 towns in Croatia, divided in capital, macro-regional centres (4 including Zagreb), 16 other counties centres, and 27 other towns. By means of questionnaire for settlements the data were collected on the equipment of settlements comprehending social standard and standard of the community, as well as on the accessibility to population of those elements of equipment that do not exist in town, i.e. which is the nearest place (town) where the needs in question can be satisfied. The results were interpreted for the following elements of social, technical and other equipments: administration of justice, financial and other agencies, medical institutions, social care, educational institutions, cultural institutions, sports institutions and facilities, entertainment complexes, shops, crafts-man's shops and industry, communal infrastructure, roads, non-governmental organizations and physical plans. The findings point at hierarchical, i.e. pyramidal structure of the network of settlements from bigger to smaller ones. Yet, the network of towns in Croatia is not particularly hierarchical except in case of the metropolis. On the top of pyramid there is Zagreb - Croatian metropolis, which accomplishes almost all the functions for it self, for its close surroundings, for the whole state, towards the region and rarely even wider. Macro-regional centres are the focuses of development of their respective surroundings and even wider, while smaller towns are more dependent on them, and those middle size and smallest ones are only rarely bearers of development.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Pyramidal network of towns. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Globalizacija, tranzicija, piramidalna mreža gradova, opremljenost, dostupnost (globalization, transition, pyramidal network of towns, equipment, accessibility) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2017 11:45 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2017 15:03 |
URI: | |
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