Hodžić, Alija (2005) Društveno restruktuiranje i novi socijalni kontekst. Sociologija sela, 43 (3). pp. 525-561. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN CROATIAN: Predmet rada je analiza različitih strukturnih slojeva hrvatskog društva i promjena u njima. Raščlamba se temelji na podacima prikupljenim strukturiranim upitnikom na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnog stanovništva Hrvatske, konstruiranom temeljem popisa stanovništva 2001. godine, što je provedeno sredinom 2004. u sklopu projekta Sociološki aspekti mreže naselja u kontekstu tranzicije. Analizira se rezultate na temelju kojih se može steći uvid u proces integracije Hrvatske u suvremene, globalizacijom zahvaćene procese: riječ je o analizi obiteljske (porodične), obrazovne i novouspostavljene klasne strukture, tj. vlasničkih struktura, zanimanja, radnih statusa i grana djelatnosti (strukture zaposlenosti). Raščlamba je usmjerena osobito na distribuciju ovih obilježja s obzirom na vrstu naselja, a što omogućuje proporcionalan uzorak naselja na kojem je provedeno prikupljanje podataka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju svekoliko društveno restrukturiranje, ali se istraživana obilježja, s obzirom na širinu i stupanj promjena, umnogome razlikuju. Raščlamba rezultata pokazala je da su obiteljske i obrazovne strukture najotpornije na promjene u procesu postsocijalističke transformacije, a da su grane djelatnosti, a posebno vlasnički odnosi izloženi najvećim promjenama. Promjene ovih struktura podjednako ne zahvaćaju ni sve tipove naselja. Postoji manja ili veća sistematska razlika izmedu gradskih i seoskih naselja, pri čemu se po svojim značajkama Zagreb izdvaja od svih drugih naselja. Autor zaključuje kako hijerarhijski organizirana mreža naselja uključuje različite stupnjeve socijalne gustoće i s tim li vezi različite stupnjeve sposobnosti za promjenu. ---------- IN ENGLISH: The subject matter of this paper is the analysis of the Croatian society's structural strata and of the changes occurring within them. The analysis is founded upon the data collected from a representative sample of the adult population of Croatia by means of the structured questionnaire. The sample was constructed upon the results of the census conducted in 2001 and the research was carried out in the mid 2004 as the part of the project Sociological aspects of the network of settlements within the context of transition. The results giving foundation for the insight into the course of Croatia's integration in contemporary processes influenced by globalization are being examined: the analysis is being made of the family, educational and the newly established class structure, i.e. ownership structures, occupations, working statuses and economic activity branches (employment structures), Proportional sample of settlements within which the data were collected enabled the distribution of characteristics mentioned above with regard to the type of settlement to be particularly examined. The results of the research show comprehensive social re-structuring but as far as the scope and the degree of changes are concerned the characteristics researched are greatly various. The analysis showed that family and educational structures are highly resistant to changes within the process of the post-socialist transformation while economic activity branches and especially ownership structures are subject to greatest changes. And also not all types of settlements are equally affected by these changes. There is bigger or smaller systematic difference between urban and rural settlements, and Zagreb differs from all the other settlements by its characteristics. The author concludes that hierarchically organized network of settlements comprises various degrees of social density and, accordingly, various degrees of capacity for change.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Social re-structuring and the new social context. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Društvena struktura, vrste naselja, isključivanje, obiteljski život, vlasnička struktura, obrazovanje, radni status, zanimanje, grana djelatnosti (social structure, types of settlements, exclusion, family life, ownership structure, education, working status, occupation, economic activity branch) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2017 15:10 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2017 15:10 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/672 |
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