Hodžić, Alija (2005) Fleksibilizacija radnog procesa? Sociologija sela, 43 (3). pp. 563-577. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN CROATIAN: Autor u ovom radu analizira podatke o značajkama rada zahvaćenog fleksibilizacijom radnog procesa dobivene u istraživanju na reprezentativnom stratificiranom uzorku punoljetnog stanovništva Republike Hrvatske provedenom 2004. godine. Provedena je raščlamba ovih značajki: poslovi na ugovor na određeno vrijeme, povremeni i privremeni poslovi, polarizacija radne snage s obzirom na obrazovanje (samoprogramirajuća« i »generička« radna snaga), pregovaračka moć sindikata, te sposobnosti radne snage u informatičkom društvu. Temeljem nalaza ovog istraživanja Hrvatska se integrira u međunarodnu ili globalnu ekonomiju (s pomakom od fordizma i socijalne države prema kapitalizmu fleksibilne akumulacije i države ekonomske nesigurnosti), jer njezina zaposlena i nezaposlena radna snaga ima sva značajna svojstva fleksibilizirane radne snage. Međutim, sve te osobine nisu podjednako prisutne u hrvatskom društvu, ne zahvaćaju podjednako zaposlene i nezaposlene (pri čemu su zamagljene granice između zaposlenih i nezaposlenih, ali je polarizacija radne snage na visoko obrazovanu i nisko obrazovanu sa sve većim isključivanjem srednje obrazovanih primjetnija u nezaposlenih) i nisu u jednakoj mjeri prisutne u svim tipovima naselja. Osobito je znakovito što je dobivena sistematska razlika između raspodjela istraživanih obilježja ispitanika iz seoskih i ispitanika iz gradskih naselja, te što se u diferenciranoj i hijerarhiziranoj strukturi naselja Zagreb razlikuje od svih ostalih (Zagreb kao grad-regija postaje globalizacijsko čvorište za svoje šire regionalno okružje). Pregovaračka moć sindikata sasvim je dovedena u pitanje. ---------- IN ENGLISH: In this paper the author analyzes the data on the characteristics of work involved in the working process flexibilization gained by the research carried out in 2004 on the representative stratified sample of the adult population of Croatia. The following characteristics were analyzed: employment for a limited period of time, part-time jobs, labour force polarization with regard to education (self-programming« and »generic« labour force), trade unions' power to negotiate, and the labour force skills in the society of informatics. The findings of this research show that Croatia is being integrated in international or global economy (with a shift from the Fordism and the social state towards the flexible accumulation capitalism and the state of economic insecurity), as its employed and unemployed labour force has all the important characteristics of the flexibilized labour force. Yet, all these characteristics are not equally present in Croatian society, they do not equally involve employed and unemployed (where the lines between the employed and the unemployed are vague, but the labour force polarization to high and low educated with ever greater exclusion of those having middle education is more noticeable within the unemployed) and are not equally present in all types of settlements. It is particularly significant that a systematic difference between the respondents from rural settlements and those from urban ones was gained as well as that within the differentiated and hierarchized structure of settlements Zagreb differs from all the others (Zagreb as a town-region becomes a globalization knot for its wider surroundings). The trade unions' power to negotiate has become entirely questionable.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Flexibilization of working process?. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Fleksibizacija, povremen i privremen rad, polarizacija radne snage, sindikati (flexibilization, part-time job, labour force polarization, trade unions) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2017 15:15 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2017 15:15 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/673 |
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