Kodrnja, Jasenka (2002) Patrijahalnost u hrvatskoj obitelji: briga ili dominacija. Sociologija sela, 40 (1-2). pp. 155-180. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN CROATIAN: Autorica prezentira neke indikatore patrijarhalnosti na osnovi rezultata preglednog istraživanja (survey research) »Društvena struktura i kvaliteta života u periodu tranzicije«, kojeg su proveli Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu i Centar za istraživanje tranzicije i civilnog društva. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom ankete na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnih stanovnika Republike Hrvatske, a u ovom se radu izlažu rezultati dobiveni od ispitanika koji žive u selu. Patrijarhalnost se motri na razini stavova i ponašanja, a operacionalizirana je na dimenzije: reprodukcija, moć, odnos privatnost-javnost, obavljanje poslova u domaćinstvu. Prvi, teorijski dio članka pojmovna je analiza patrijarhalnosti, temeljena na tekstovima autora moderne (F. Bacon, G. W. F. Hegel). Autorica pokazuje da se moderna ne suprotstavlja predmodernom patrijarhalizmu, nego ga implicitno ili eksplicitno afirmira. U tih, kao i u nekih drugih autora (V. St. Erlich, braća A. i S. Radić), prepoznaje se idealizirana slika patrijarhata u kojoj istaknuto mjesto zauzima vrijednost briga (o obitelji i državi), a subjekt je Veliki muškarac (otac obitelji, voda naroda ili bog). Gotovo identični nalazi proizlaze i iz interpretacije rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, uključujući i primjenu faktorske analize. Znatna većina ispitanika prihvaća i afirmira patrijarhalne vrijednosti, a utjecaj raznih nezavisnih varijabli najčešće je ispod razine statističke značajnosti. Stavovi koje ispitanici najviše prihvaćaju također ukazuju da je riječ o idealiziranoj slici patrijarhata u kojoj istaknuto mjesto zauzima Veliki otac, a stare se vrijednosti isprepliću s novom postmodernom vrijednošću - brigom. Temeljem rezultata, autorica ističe bitna svojstva patrijarhata: otpornost promjenama i sklonost prerušavanju. Za pretpostaviti je, a to navode i neke autorice postfeminizma, da ova svojstva patrijarhalnosti proizlaze iz njezine dubinske, podsvjesne i mitske razine. --------------- IN ENGLISH: The author presents some indicators of patriarchal attitudes based on the results of a research survey »Social structure and the quality of life in the period of transition« by the Institute for social research in Zagreb and the Center for the research of transition and civil society. Data was collected using a survey method on a representative sample of Croatians who were of age and live in the village. Patriarchal attitudes were observed on the level of attitudes and behaviour and is in segments: reproduction, power, the relationship of private- public, performing household duties. The first, theoretical, part of the article is concerned with the analysis of partriarchal based on texts by the authors of the moderne (Bacon, Hegel). The author demonstrates that »moderne« is not opposed to pre-moderne patriarchal attitudes, but that it implicitly or explicitly affirms it. In those authors, as in some others (Erlich, brothers Radic) we recognize the idealized picture of patriarchal society where a prominent place is occupied by the value of caring (about the family, about the state) and the subject is the Big Man (the father of the family, the leader of the people or god). Almost identical results emerge from the interpretation of the empirical research results. The great majority of those surveyed accepts and affirms partriarchal values, and the influence of various independent variables is most often below the level of statistical significance. The attitudes that are most often accepted also show that it is a question of an idealized picture of patriarchal society where the prominent part occupies the Big father and where the old values are intertwined with the new post-moderne value: caring. The authors emphasize two essential features of the patriarchal tradition: resistance to change and tendency to disguise. According to some authors of postfeminism, these characteristics emerge from its deep, subconscius and mythical level.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Patriarchality in Croatian family: caring or domination. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Patrijarhalnost, moderno, postmoderno, briga, dominacija, Veliki muškarac (otac, bog) (patriarchality, modern, postmodern, caring, domination, Big man (father, god)) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 28 Mar 2022 10:55 |
Last Modified: | 28 Mar 2022 10:56 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/714 |
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