Ljubotina, Damir and Petak, Antun and Janković, Josip and Berc, Gordana (2004) Religioznost obitelji u seoskoj i gradskoj sredini. Sociologija sela, 42 (1-2). pp. 113-138. ISSN 0038-0326
SS 2004_1-2 Ljubotina, Petak, Janković, Berc.pdf Download (754Kb) | Preview |
IN CROATIAN: U ovom članku iznijeti su rezultati istraživanja religioznosti suvremene cjelovite obitelji u hrvatskim selima, malim i srednjim gradovima te velikim gradovima. Raščlamba ovog predmeta aktualizirana je nalazima istraživanja religijskih promjena i vrednota u postsocijalističkom razdoblju koji su upozorili na snažnu pojavu retradicionalizacije u hrvatskom društvu, čija je važna sastavnica i poseban način ispoljavanja religioznosti. Prilog se temelji na podacima o samoprocjeni vlastite religioznosti, učestalosti sudjelovanja u važnima vjerskim obredima, molitve, praćenja vjerskog tiska, te događaja u vjerskoj zajednici, prikupljenim na uzorku 743 bračna para s osnovno školskom djecom 0.486 ispitanika). Utvrđen je visok stupanj religijske samoidentifikacije, tj. deklarativne religioznosti. Usporedba dviju provedenih diskriminacijskih analiza na uzorku muževa i žena ukazuje na općenito veću religioznost seoske sredine, ali i na razlike u strukturi religioznog ponašanja muškaraca i žena. Dok u žena učestalost molitve ima najveću diskriminacijsku snagu u razlikovanju obitelji iz ruralne i urbane sredine, u muškaraca je to praćenje događaja u vjerskoj zajednici, ali se po čestini molitve uopće ne razlikuju poduzorci muževa u seoskoj i gradskoj sredini. Rezultati pokazuju veću izraženost nekih pokazatelja religioznosti u žena te potvrđuju neke nalaze da značaj i razumijevanje religioznosti u muškaraca i žena ne moraju biti jednaki, kao i da religioznost nije jedinstvena pojava. Postotak ispitanika koji se ne izjašnjavaju vjernicima najveći je među muškarcima u velikima urbanim središtima. Podudarnost odgovora među bračnim partnerima uglavnom je visoka i implicitno svjedoči važnost vjerske orijentacije za partnerstvo. ---------- IN ENGLISH: This article examines the results of the research that evaluated religiosity in the modern family in Croatian villages, towns and cities. The analyses of this theme becomes more current in the findings of the research of religious changes and values in the post socialist period that indicates strong phenomena of retraditionalisation in Croatian society, of which a major component is specific expression of religiosity. Our sample consisted of 743 married couples with elementary school children 1486 subjects). For each couple we gathered information regarding self-evaluations of their own religiosity, the frequency of attendance to major religious ceremonies, frequency of praying, regularity of reading religious press and the involvement in events happening in their religious community. Results show a high degree of religious self-identification, the so-called declarative religiosity. We conducted two discriminatory analyses, each one separately for men and women in the sample. The comparison of these two analyses in general shows greater religiosity in rural environment. Differences in the structure of religious behaviour in men and women were also visible. While, for women, the frequency of praying has the greatest discriminative strength for differentiating rural and urban environment, for men this factor is the involvement in the events happening in their religious community. The frequency of praying does not discriminate men from rural and urban environments at all. Results show higher levels of some indicators of religiosity for women, and confirm some previous findings that the importance and the understanding of religiosity don't necessarily need to be the same for men and women, as well as that religiosity is not a unique phenomena. The percentage of respondents that don't declare themselves to be religious is the greatest for men in urban environments. The congruency of responses between marital couples is mostly high and indicates the importance of religious orientation for the relationship.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. – Title in English: Family religiosity in rural and urban environment. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Religioznost, obitelj, bračni partneri, vrsta naselja (religiosity, family, marital couples, rural and urban settlements) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2017 14:34 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2017 14:34 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/725 |
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