Golub, Branka (2003) Zašto odlazimo? Društvena istraživanja, 12 (1-2). pp. 115-140. ISSN 1330-0288 (Print), 1848-6096 (Online)
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IN CROATIAN: Istraživanje profesionalnog položaja mladih hrvatskih znanstvenika 1998. godine otvorilo je i pitanje znanstveničkog egzodusa, koje je prema mnijenju znanstvene i šire društvene javnosti, davno preraslo okvire normalne i poželjne socioprostorne pokretljivosti ove profesionalne grupacije. Analiza slobodnih odgovora na pitanje upućeno ispitanicima na kraju anketnog upitnika o tome što misle, bez obzira na osobne nakane, o odljevu istraživača u inozemstvo pokazala je svu kompleksnost veza društvenog okruženja i uže znanstvene zajednice s fenomenom znanstveničkog brain draina. Različiti aspekti odlaska znanstvenika iz zemlje nametnuli su se grupiranjem individualnih odgovora logikom njihova sadržaja. Tako možemo govoriti o emigracijskoj tradiciji, alokaciji resursa u smislu seljenja u prosperitetnija područja, kolanju (cirkulaciji) mozgova, niskom životnom i radno-istraživačkom standardu, ratnoj i poratnoj etiologiji, ali prije svega o neprimjerenom društvenom tretmanu znanosti te o hijerarhiziranom ustroju same znanstveno-istraživačke djelatnosti. Pritom je odnos starijih etabliranih znanstvenika prema mlađima, osobito u funkciji mentorstva, prenošenja znanja i iskustava, posebno naglašen. ---------- IN ENGLISH: Research into the professional status of young Croatian scientists, conducted in 1998, has opened the question of the exodus of scientists. According to the opinions of scientific and wider community, it has long surpassed the limits of normal and desirable socio-spacial mobility of this professional group. At the end of the questionnaire, the participants gave free answers about the drain of scientists to foreign countries, regardless of personal intentions. The analysis showed the full complexity of links of social environment and local scientific community with the phenomenon of the scientists' drain. Various aspects of their departure from the country have emerged by grouping together the individual answers, according to the logic of their content. Thus, one can speak about the emigrating tradition, allocation of funds for transfers to areas of greater prosperity, brain circulation, war and post-war etiology, but before all else, about the unsatisfactory treatment of sciences by the society and about the hierarchical organization of scientific and research activities. In that context, the treatment of younger scientists by the senior, established scientists, particularly in their position of mentors, and in transferring knowledge and experience is especially emphasized.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. – Title in English: Why are we leaving?. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mladi znanstvenici, brain drain, brain waste, potencijalni odljev, sklonost odlasku, društveni tretman znanosti (young scientists, brain drain, brain waste, potential drain, propensity to move, social treatment of science) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jan 2017 13:50 |
Last Modified: | 23 Jan 2017 13:16 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/732 |
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