Anticlericalism, nonreligiosity and atheism in Croatia

Hazdovac Bajić, Nikolina and Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka and Ančić, Branko (2020) Anticlericalism, nonreligiosity and atheism in Croatia. In: Freethought and atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: the development of secularity and non- religion. Routledge Studies in Religion . Routledge, London, pp. 33-57. ISBN 978-0-367-22631-2

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IN ENGLISH: Although Catholicism was the most prominent identification of Croats throughout history, anticlerical, atheistic and antireligious ideas were present and more or less visible in society during different periods. This chapter attempts to describe these ideas. They were articulated in the 19th century in political and literary (modernistic) circles that questioned the church’s position and its role in society. In the field of the natural sciences of the time, the first ideologization of Darwinism in relation to religion began. The most powerful form of atheism and secularism, as a political doctrine in Croatia, developed after the end of World War II within the framework of Communist Yugoslavia. After the collapse of Communism and the disintegration of Yugoslavia, religiosity became a desirable (and dominant) conformity pattern, but nonreligiosity and atheism were still present on the individual and group levels (in the form of organized communities of nonreligious people and atheists influenced by the New Atheism). All the tendencies that were rejecting a traditional religious belief system in Croatia were part of similar trends in Europe, specifically as a form of rejecting hegemony, as a part of the state imposed ideology due to the spread of socialism or the influence of new social movements (New Atheism) in the last few years. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Iako je katolicizam bio najistaknutiji element identifikacije Hrvata kroz povijest, u različitim su razdobljima bile prisutne i više ili manje vidljive antiklerikalne, ateističke i antireligijske ideje. U ovom se poglavlju nastoji opisati te ideje. Oblikovane su u 19. stoljeću u političkim i intelektualnim (modernističkim) krugovima koji su propitivali položaj i ulogu crkve u društvu. U polju prirodnih znanosti onoga vremena započela je prva ideologizacija darvinizma u odnosu prema religiji. Najmoćniji oblik ateizma i sekularizma, kao političke doktrine u Hrvatskoj, razvio se nakon završetka Drugoga svjetskog rata u okviru komunističke Jugoslavije. Nakon pada komunizma i raspada Jugoslavije, religioznost je postala poželjan (i dominantan) obrazac konformizma, no nereligioznost i ateizam još uvijek su bili prisutni na razini pojedinaca i grupa (u obliku organiziranih zajednica nereligioznih ljudi i ateista na koje je utjecao novi ateizam). Sva nastojanja koja su odbacivala tradicionalni religijski sustav vjerovanja u Hrvatskoj bila su dio sličnih strujanja u Europi, osobito kao oblik odbacivanja hegemonije, kao dijela državno nametnute ideologije uslijed širenja socijalizma ili utjecaja novih društvenih pokreta (novi ateizam) u posljednjih nekoliko godina.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Antiklerikalizam, nereligioznost i ateizam u Hrvatskoj. - Book editors: Tomáš Bubík, Atko Remmel, David Václavík.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Croatia, anticlericalism, atheism, modernism, Darwinism, secularism (Hrvatska, antiklerikalizam, ateizam, modernizam, darvinizam, sekularizam)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2020 13:16
Last Modified: 10 May 2024 07:08

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