Obrana javnih prostora u zagrebačkim slučajevima „Čuvamo naš park“ i „Vratite magnoliju“

Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina and Zlatar Gamberožić, Jelena (2020) Obrana javnih prostora u zagrebačkim slučajevima „Čuvamo naš park“ i „Vratite magnoliju“. Sociologija i prostor, 58 (1). pp. 5-31. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.5673/sip.58.1.1


IN CROATIAN: Tijekom nekoliko zadnjih godina na zagrebačkom je prostoru bilo više primjera borbe za javne prostore, a u ovom će se radu pratiti dva takva slučaja. U prvom, stanari u naselju Savica udruženi su u civilnu inicijativu Čuvamo naš park i bore se za obranu postojećeg prostora parka (zelena površina i igralište) jer gradska uprava podržava izgradnju crkve, što bi prostor parka značajno smanjilo. Tako započinju dugogodišnji napori da se ta gradska odluka poništi. Drugi je slučaj otpor prema planiranoj revitalizaciji Meštrovićevog paviljona na Trgu žrtava fašizma, koja je izazvala veliko nezadovoljstvo kako samom obnovom tako i sječom postojećeg drveća uz zgradu Paviljona, posebno drveta magnolije. To je dovelo do stvaranja inicijative nazvane Vratite magnoliju. U nastavku rada donosi se analiza diskursa o tim slučajevima, za koju su korišteni digitalni članci s različitih internetskih portala koji su pratili te teme. Analizom se pokazala dihotomna situacija, s jedne strane nedovoljna participacija građana u procesu donošenja odluka o planiranim promjenama, a s druge jak otpor stanara i građana, koji su pokazali kroz civilne inicijative putem protesta i brojnih akcija. Navedeno je stoga dovelo do stagnacije u prilagodbi europskim urbanističkim standardima (tzv. urbana održivost), posebno okolišnoj i socijalnoj dimenziji održivosti. No kroz analizu diskursa može se istaknuti kako su civilne inicijative, odnosno građani svojom aktivnošću promicali navedene vrijednosti i nastojali uvjeriti urbanu politiku u njihovu primjenu, ponekad i s nekim pozitivnim ishodom, u čemu se može primijetiti jedna nova dimenzija odnosa moći između svih uključenih aktera. --------------- IN ENGLISH: In the last few years, there were many examples of fighting for public spaces in Zagreb. In this paper, two such cases are examined. In the first case, residents of the Savica housing estate joined in the civil initiative “We are Keeping our Park“ and fought for the defense of the existing park space (green area and playground) because the city authorities supported the building of a church, which would significantly decrease the park area. Thus, the long-standing efforts to annul this city autorities’ decision have begun. The second case, of resisting the planned revitalization of the Meštrović Pavillion on the Square of the Victims of Fascism, caused a major protest against the revamp and logging of the trees near the Pavillion, especially the magnolia tree. This brought about the initiative called “Bring Back the Magnolia“. The paper provides discourse analysis regarding these cases, for which digital articles from various Internet portals covering the topics were used. The analysis revealed a dichotomous situation. On the one hand there was not enough citizens’ participation in the decision-making process regarding the planned changes, and on the other, there was a strong resistance of tenants and citizens, displayed through civil initiatives including protests and various actions. All this led to the stagnation in adjusting to European urbanistic standards (so called urban sustainability), particularly its environmental and social dimension. Nevertheless, through the discourse analysis it can be argued that the civil initiatives, i.e. citizens through their agency, promoted these values and attempted to convince urban policy makers to apply them, which sometimes resulted in positive outcomes and in which a new dimension of power relationships between all actors involved can be observed.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Defense of public spaces in the cases of “We are Keeping our Park“ and “Bring Back the Magnolia“ initiatives in Zagreb.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Čuvamo naš park, Vratite magnoliju, javni prostori, analiza diskursa, urbana održivost, Zagreb (We are Keeping our Park, Bring Back the Magnolia, public spaces, discourse analysis, urban sustainability, Zagreb)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2020 06:39
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2020 06:48
URI: http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/885

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