Marinović, Ankica (2020) Transfer of knowledge about atheism and new religious movements: analysis of religious instruction textbooks in public schools in Croatia. In: Communicating religion and atheism in Central and Eastern Europe. Religion and Its Others: Studies in Religion, Nonreligion and Secularity (9). De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 237-256. ISBN 978-3-11-054637-8 (Print), 978-3-11-054708-5 (Online)
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IN ENGLISH: This paper explores how the social context of Croatia influenced the prevailing relationship to religion by taking into account the backdrop of its socialist past. Furthermore, it examines whether processes of revitalizing religion and desecularizing Croatian society after 1990 remain relevant today. In order to detect the specificities of the transfer of knowledge regarding religion and atheism in post-socialist Croatia, legal documents from the 90s which were the basis for the implementation of religious education and religious textbooks for primary school published after the 90s are analyzed here. The results underline the controversy that becomes noticeable when comparing provisions in the constitution with the respective provisions in the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Education and Culture, signed between the Croatian Government and the Holy See. The latter favors Christian ethical values over ethical values of other religious and irreligious worldviews, and moreover paves the way to possible and real discrimination, especially among primary and secondary school students. The thesis is that the discourse around religious instruction in Croatia today, in some aspects and to some extent, is similar to that of the former Yugoslavian school subject of Marxism, especially when it comes to the promotion of a specific worldview, albeit in the reverse direction. In the broader context, this article claims, one could speak of a double heritage of pre-modernity in Croatia: its Catholic-feudal and communist past (and the war, which every society views as pre-modern). In simplified terms, the first phase produced conservative, authoritarian communist anti-theism, while the second produced an authoritarian, Catholic anti-atheism. Both of them were (and are) associated with the ruling political authorities and influenced or at least attempted to influence politics and all aspects of societal action. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Rad istražuje kako je društveni kontekst Hrvatske utjecao na prevladavajući odnos prema religiji i ateizmu te novim religijskim pokretima, uzimajući u obzir i kontekst socijalističke prošlosti. Razmatra se također, jesu li procesi revitalizacije religije i desekularizacije hrvatskog društva poslije devedesetih relevantni i danas. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi specifičnosti prijenosa znanja o religiji i ateizmu kroz predmet Vjeronauk u post-socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. Analizirani su temeljni pravni dokumenti koji su bili temelj za implementaciju vjeronauka kakav danas postoji u javnim školama i udžbenici vjeronauka za osnovne škole. Rezultati ukazuju na temeljnu kontroverzu koja postaje vidljiva kad se kompariraju ustavne odredbe s odredbama iz Ugovora o suradnji na području odgoja i kulture, potpisanog između hrvatske vlade i Svete Stolice. Ugovor favorizira kršćanske etičke vrijednosti u odnosu na vrijednosti drugih religijskih i nereligijskih svjetonazora, utirući put mogućoj, a pokazalo se nizom primjera, i stvarnoj diskriminaciji među učenicima u javnim školama, što je vidljivo u udžbenicima vjeronauka. U radu se razmatra i teza o sličnosti Vjeronauka u Hrvatskoj danas i školskog predmeta Marksizam (koji je bio obavezan u srednjim školama u bivšoj Jugoslaviji), s obzirom na ideološki (kršćanski/katolički i marksistički/komunistički) diskurs koji teži biti sveprožimajući. U širem kontekstu, fenomen vjeronauka prisutnog danas u javnim školama u Hrvatskoj, članak objašnjava i tezom o utjecaju dvostrukog nasljeđa predmoderniteta u Hrvatskoj – katoličko-feudalnog i komunističkog (i utjecajem rata koji uvijek u društvo donosi elemente predmodernosti). Ukratko, nakon autoritarnog komunističkog anti-teizma u Marksizmu u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, javlja se konzervativni, autoritarni katolički anti-ateizam. Oba fenomena su bila (i jesu) povezana s vladajućom politikom i utječu (ili su utjecala) na politiku i na sve aspekte društvenog djelovanja.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Prijenos znanja o ateizmu i novim religijskim pokretima: analiza udžbenika vjeronauka u javnoj školi u Hrvatskoj. - Book editors: Jenny Vorpahl, Dirk Schuster. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Atheism, religion, new religious movements, religious instruction, public school, Marxism, Croatia (ateizam, novi religijski pokreti, vjeronauk, javna škola, marksizam, Hrvatska) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 01 Jul 2020 14:52 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jul 2020 11:16 |
URI: | |
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