Jugović, Ivana and Matković, Teo and Jokić, Boris (2020) Rodna tipičnost visokoškolskih obrazovnih aspiracija tijekom srednje škole: intenzifikacija, konvergencija ili stabilnost. Revija za sociologiju, 50 (2). pp. 253-284. ISSN 0350-154X (Print), 1846-7954 (Online)
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IN CROATIAN: Cilj je rada bio ispitati dolazi li do intenzifikacije, konvergencije ili stabilnosti u rodnoj tipičnosti visokoškolskih obrazovnih aspiracija djevojaka i mladića tijekom vremena provedenoga u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju. U istraživanju na uzorku od 13 301 učenika/ca četverogodišnjih i petogodišnjih srednjoškolskih programa ispitana je i uloga srednjoškolskog programa te učeničkih interesa i školskog uspjeha u objašnjenju rodne tipičnosti njihovih visokoškolskih aspiracija. Rezultati upućuju na to da, iako postoje razlike između djevojaka i mladića u rodnoj tipičnosti obrazovnih aspiracija, te su razlike stabilne kroz vrijeme, čime nije potvrđena ni hipoteza rodne intenzifikacije, niti rodne konvergencije. Odabiri djevojaka i mladića kroz godine školovanja ne postaju ni više niti manje rodno stereotipni u odnosu na početak srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Rezultati regresijskih modela pokazuju da se rodna tipičnost visokoškolskih aspiracija razlikuje s obzirom na strukovno područje/gimnazijski program, i to u očekivanom smjeru: učenici i učenice tipično muških programa aspiriraju tipično muškim studijima i obratno. Školski uspjeh i interesi također su pridonijeli objašnjenju rodne tipičnosti visokoškolskih aspiracija. Uspjeh iz hrvatskog jezika kao i interesi za jezično i biomedicinsko područje predviđaju snažniju aspiraciju tipično ženskim studijima, dok uspjeh iz matematike i engleskog jezika te interesi za tehničko i informatičko područje pridonose aspiraciji tipično muškom studiju. Nalazi ovog istraživanja ukazuju na to da, uz utjecaj rodno obilježenih obrazovnih interesa i postignuća, diferenciranost srednjoškolskog obrazovanja može utjecati na rodno stereotipne obrazovne aspiracije. --------------- IN ENGLISH: The aim of the paper was to examine intensification, convergence, or stability in the gender typicality of girls' and boys' higher education aspirations during the time spent in secondary education. The study, conducted on a sample of 13,301 pupils of four- and five-year secondary education programmes, examined the roles of the secondary education programme, pupils' interests, and school success in explaining the gender typicality of their higher education aspirations. The results suggest that, although there are differences between girls and boys in the gender typicality of their educational aspirations, these differences are stable over time, whereby neither the gender intensification nor the gender convergence hypotheses were confirmed. The girls' and boys' choices become neither more, nor less gender-stereotypical, compared to the start of secondary education. The results of regression models show that the gender typicality of higher education aspirations differs with regard to vocational domain/grammar school programme: pupils in typically male programmes aspire towards typically male higher education programmes and vice versa. School success and interests have also contributed to the explanation of the gender typicality of higher education aspirations. Success in the Croatian Language and interest in linguistic and biomedical domains predict a stronger aspiration towards typically female higher education programmes, while success in Mathematics and the English Language, and interest in technical and ICT domains contribute to the aspiration towards typically male higher education programmes. The findings of this study suggest that, along with the influence of gendered educational interests and achievements, the differentiation of secondary education can influence gender-stereotypical educational aspirations.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Gender typicality of higher education aspirations in secondary education: intensification, convergence or stability. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Visokoškolska obrazovna aspiracija, rodna tipičnost, interes za područje, institucionalno okružje, srednjoškolsko iskustvo (higher education aspiration, gender typicality, domain interest, institutional setting, secondary school experience) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HM Sociology L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 09 Sep 2020 10:59 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2020 10:59 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/902 |
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