Leiner Maksan, Ulla and Žiljak Gršić, Jana and Peternel, Lana and Andrić, Zorana (2020) Aktivistički plakati „Obnovimo Zagreb nakon potresa“ radovi studenata i studentica TVZ-a. Polytechnic and design, 8 (3). pp. 136-139. ISSN 1849-1995 (Print), 2459-6302 (Online)
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PiD 2020_3 Leiner Maksan, Žiljak Gršić, Peternel , Andrić.pdf Download (2MB) |
IN CROATIAN: U ovom radu su prikazani studentski plakati na temu „Obnovimo Zagreb“ nastali nakon potresa u sklopu kolegija „Praktikum iz dizajna“ na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Radove su dizajnirali studentice i studenti tijekom nastave na daljinu pod mentorstvom prof.dr.sc. Jane Žiljak Gršić i Ulle Leiner Maksan, mag. des. u periodu vlastitog suočavanja s posljedicama razornog potresa, uništenih domova i prisilnog preseljenja. Također, u to vrijeme na snazi su bile mjere suzbijanja pandemije virusa Covid-19. Studenti i studentice su u plakatima u skladu sa smjernicama dizajna aktivističkog plakata prikazali svoje ideje i osobne doživljaje razrušenog grada. Rezultati ukazuju na tri osnovna fenomena u radovima: a) ljubav prema gradu, b) kritičnost prema reakcijama nadležnih institucija, c) nužnost brze obnove grada. U prikazanim i izloženim plakatima studentica i studenata druge godine Informatičkog dizajna prisutan je aktivistički i kritički stav prema iskazanom nemaru i sporoj obnovi glavnog grada Republike Hrvatske nakon potresa. Kao i cijela studenska populacija, tako i autori ovih plakata sami su ugrožena populacijska grupa u ovoj situaciji jer su se suočili s napuštanjem studentskih domova. Studenti su kroz aktivistički plakat iskazali svoj stav i želju za učinkovitijim djelovanjem gradskih institucija i institucija državne vlasti. Plakati su nastali njihovom željom za bržom obnovom, a ne direktnom komercijalnom narudžbom. --------------- IN ENGLISH: This paper presents student posters on the topic "Let's rebuild Zagreb" created after the earthquake as part of the course "Practicum in Design" at the Technical Polytechnic in Zagreb. The works were designed by students during distance learning under the mentorship of prof.dr.sc. Jane Žiljak Gršić and Ulla Leiner Maksan, mag. des. in a period of its own confrontation with the consequences of a devastating earthquake, destroyed homes and forced relocation. Also, measures to combat the Covid-19 virus pandemic were in place at the time. The students presented their ideas and personal experiences of the destroyed city in posters in accordance with the design guidelines of the activist poster. The results indicate three basic phenomena in the works: a) love for the city, b) criticism of the reactions of the competent institutions, c) the need for rapid reconstruction of the city. In the displayed and exhibited posters of second-year students of Information Design, there is an activist and critical attitude towards the expressed negligence and slow reconstruction of the capital of the Republic of Croatia after the earthquake. Like the entire student population, the authors of these posters themselves are a vulnerable population group in this situation as they are faced with leaving student dormitories. Through an activist poster, the students expressed their attitude and desire for more efficient operation of city institutions and state government institutions. The posters were created by their desire for faster renewal, not by direct commercial order.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Activist posters "Let's rebuild Zagreb after the earthquake" works of students of Technical Polytechnic in Zagreb. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Studentski aktivistički plakat, potres u Zagrebu, dizajn plakata (student activist poster, earthquake in Zagreb, poster design) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 23 Dec 2020 14:04 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2024 10:20 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/918 |
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