Ančić, Branko and Cepić, Dražen (2021) Tko su antimaskeri u Hrvatskoj?: prilog istraživanju antimaskerske reakcije tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 u Hrvatskoj. Sociologija i prostor, 59 (219). pp. 187-218. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)
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IN CROATIAN: Od samog početka pandemije bolesti COVID-19 alternativni narativi pojavljivali su se ne samo u virtualnim prostorima već i kao dio oficijelnijih objašnjenja društvenih aktera relevantnih za upravljanje pandemijskom krizom. Kao reakciju na širenje zaraze, vlasti posvuda uvode mjere karantene, obavezu poštivanja epidemioloških mjera, zatvaranje ekonomije (tzv. lockdown), što od ljeta pa kroz jesen i zimu 2020. godine dovodi do prosvjeda protiv mjera u nizu svjetskih gradova, kao što su Berlin, London, Bruxelles, Dublin, Madrid, Pariz, Rotterdam pa i Zagreb (tzv. antimaskerski prosvjedi). U ovom radu pod pojmom antimaskerstva pro-matramo društveni fenomen koji ne govori samo o pukoj činjenici nenošenja maski kao činu kršenja epidemiološke mjere već i o reakciji ljudi tijekom pandemije koja obuhvaća percepciju koja umanjuje opasnost od virusa SARS-CoV-2 ili čak i negira njegovo postojanje te ujedno i procjenu ljudi kako su nametnute epidemiološke mjere opresivne (pretjerano stroge). Teorijski okvir rada temelji se na literaturi o teorijama zavjera kao krovnom konceptu koji pomaže u razumijevanju navedenih antimaskerskih pokreta. U analizi su korišteni podaci prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom (CATI tehnikom) tijekom kolovoza, rujna i listopada 2020. godine na nacionalno reprezentativnom uzorku (N=1512). U radu su analizirane neke od determinanti sklonosti teorijama zavjera kao moguće eksplanatorne determinante antimaskerske društvene reakcije. U analizi se dva aspekta pokazuju ključnima u razumijevanju antimaskerske društvene reakcije – egzistencijalni uvjeti i promjene tih uvjeta uslijed pandemije te povjerenje u relevan-tne društvene aktere/institucije u upravljanju krizom izazvanom bolešću COVID-19. --------------- IN ENGLISH: Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 disease pandemic there have been alternative nar-ratives, not only in virtual spaces, but also as part of official explanations given by social actors relevant for managing the pandemic crisis. As a reaction to the disease spread, authorities eve-rywhere introduced quarantine measures, obligatory adherence to epidemiological measures, and economic lockdown, which led to protests against the measures in a number of cities worldwide, such as Berlin, London, Brussels, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Rotterdam, even Zagreb (so-called anti-mask protests) during the summer and throughout the autumn and winter of 2020. In this paper, the notion of anti-mask attitude is viewed as a social phenomenon imply-ing not only a mere fact of not wearing a mask as an act of violating epidemiological measures, but also the reaction of people during the pandemic. This reaction is comprised of the percep-tion diminishing the danger of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or even denying its existence, along with the assessment that the imposed epidemiological measures are oppressive (too stringent). The theoretical framework of the paper is based on literature on conspiracy theories as an overarching concept that helps understand the anti-mask movements. In the analysis, the data gathered by a questionnaire survey (CATI technique) during August, September and October 2020 on a nationally representative sample (N=1512) were used. In the paper, some determinants of inclination towards conspiracy theories were analysed as possible explanatory determinants of the anti-masker social reaction. The analysis pointed to two aspects appearing as key for understanding the anti-masker social reaction – existential conditions and the changes of these conditions due to the pandemic, and trust in relevant social actors’ / institutions’ management of the COVID-19 disease induced crises.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Who are the anti-maskers in Croatia?: a contribution to the research on the anti-masker reaction during the COVID-19 disease pandemic in Croatia. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pandemija bolesti COVID-19, antimaskerstvo, teorije zavjere, pridržavanje epidemioloških mjera (COVID-19 disease pandemic, anti-mask attitude, conspiracy theories, adherence to epidemiological measures) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 06 Apr 2021 10:23 |
Last Modified: | 06 Jul 2021 16:03 |
URI: | |
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