Transitions of young women from education to employment in Croatia: social reproduction at work

Potočnik, Dunja (2021) Transitions of young women from education to employment in Croatia: social reproduction at work. In: Living like a girl: agency, social vulnerability and welfare measures in Europe and beyond. Transnational girlhoods (3). Berghahn Books, New York, pp. 123-146. ISBN 978-1-80073-147-9 (Print), 978-1-80073-148-6 (Online)

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IN ENGLISH: Croatia is at the verge of social transformations, with a very strong re- traditionalisation in social and political domains and with economic indicators that are far from recovery. In the past two decades Croatia has undergone profound changes ; war and transition has brought altered socio-political context, changes of the social structure and unfavorable economic situation. Emerged social diversification has led to very sharp social stratification with almost vanished middle social stratum and very narrow stratum of the new elite. The consequences are unequal approach to education and unequal chances at the labour market, with prolonged situation of social instability. Additionally, in a recent period a public space has repeatedly been contaminated by attack on the civil rights, especially on the family and reproductive rights, and the rights of the women to actively express their attitudes and aspirations that are not in line with the conservative social and political agenda. In such a context, it is of the utmost importance to obtain insights into the status and aspirations of young women in Croatia and in the factors that shape their transitions from education to the labour market and from the girlhood to starting their own family. This paper aims at inter- connecting insights from the nationally representative surveys conducted in Croatia in 2012 (N=1.500) and 2018 (N=1.500) on the samples of the young people aged 15-29. The data include information on the respondents' value orientations, socio-professional status, education of their parents, family and living plans and arrangements, professional aspirations, respondents’ employment trajectories, factors of finding a job, factors of accepting a job and personal optimism in regard to their future, enabling a dynamic analysis of young women’s status, aspirations and vulnerabilities. The data analysis will include descriptive, bivariate (ANOVA) and multivariate analyses (regression) of the enabling and disabling factors of the young women’s transitions to their adulthood. There are two main hypotheses: I) young women are heterogeneous social group in terms of their social status, living arrangements, aspirations and professional trajectories. II) The major determinants shaping their social status and prospects for personal and professional accomplishment lie in their social background and value orientation. The results will show higher potential for realisation of the professional aspirations for the girls of the higher social background living in urban settings. These variables show significant correlation with the liberal value orientation, in contrast to the traditional values that on average can be found more frequently in a sample of the young girls of the lower social background living in the rural settlements, who are on average more inclined to earlier family formation. The analysis will also show that Croatian society is characterized by a relatively low degree of intergenerational mobility, with a high degree of social reproduction, which additionally blocks the girls from realisation of their aspirations. The analytical framework places the research data inside the analysis of socio-political changes and transformations that Croatian society and economy have undergone since accessing the European Union. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Hrvatska je na rubu društvenih transformacija, s vrlo snažnom retradicionalizacijom u društvenoj i političkoj domeni te s ekonomskim pokazateljima koji su daleko od oporavka. Hrvatska je u posljednja dva desetljeća doživjela duboke promjene; rat i tranzicija donijeli su izmijenjen društveno-politički kontekst, promjene društvene strukture i nepovoljnu ekonomsku situaciju. Nastala društvena diverzifikacija dovela je do vrlo oštrog društvenog raslojavanja s gotovo iščezlim srednjim društvenim slojem i vrlo uskim slojem nove elite. Posljedice su nejednak pristup obrazovanju i nejednake šanse na tržištu rada, uz dugotrajnu situaciju društvene nestabilnosti. Osim toga, u posljednje vrijeme javni prostor je u više navrata bio kontaminiran napadima na građanska prava, posebno na obiteljska i reproduktivna prava, te prava žena da aktivno izražavaju svoje stavove i težnje koje nisu u skladu s konzervativnim društvenim i politički dnevnim redom. U takvom kontekstu od iznimne je važnosti dobiti uvid u status i aspiracije mladih žena u Hrvatskoj te u čimbenike koji oblikuju njihov prijelaz iz obrazovanja na tržište rada i od djevojaštva do osnivanja vlastite obitelji. Ovaj rad ima za cilj međusobno povezivanje uvida iz nacionalno reprezentativnih istraživanja provedenih u Hrvatskoj 2012. (N=1.500) i 2018. (N=1.500) na uzorcima mladih u dobi od 15-29 godina. Uvidi uključuju podatke o vrijednosnim orijentacijama ispitanika, socio-profesionalnom statusu, obrazovanju roditelja, obiteljskim i životnim planovima i aranžmanima, profesionalnim aspiracijama, zapošljavanju ispitanika, čimbenicima pronalaska posla, čimbenicima prihvaćanja posla i osobnom optimizmu u pogledu vlastite budućnosti. Analiza podataka uključuje deskriptivnu, bivarijantnu (ANOVA) i multivarijantnu analizu (regresiju) čimbenika koji omogućuju prijelaz mladih žena u odraslu dob. Dvije su glavne hipoteze: I) mlade žene su heterogena društvena skupina u smislu svog društvenog statusa, životnih aranžmana, aspiracija i profesionalnih putanja i II) glavne odrednice koje oblikuju njihov društveni status i izglede za osobni i profesionalni uspjeh leže u njihovom društvenom podrijetlu i vrijednosnoj orijentaciji. Rezultati će pokazati veći potencijal za ostvarivanje profesionalnih aspiracija za djevojke višeg socijalnog porijekla koje žive u urbanim sredinama. Ove varijable pokazuju značajnu korelaciju s liberalnom vrijednosnom orijentacijom, za razliku od tradicionalnih vrijednosti koje se u prosjeku češće mogu naći na uzorku mladih djevojaka nižeg socijalnog porijekla koje žive u ruralnim naseljima, a koje su u prosjeku sklonije ranijem formiranju obitelji. Analiza također pokazuje da hrvatsko društvo karakterizira relativno nizak stupanj međugeneracijske mobilnosti, s visokim stupnjem društvene reprodukcije, što dodatno blokira djevojčice u ostvarenju njihovih aspiracija. Analitički okvir smješta podatke istraživanja u analizu društveno-političkih promjena i transformacija koje su hrvatsko društvo i gospodarstvo prošli od ulaska u Europsku uniju.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Tranzicija mladih žena iz obrazovanja u zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj: socijalna reprodukcija na djelu. - Book editors: Maria A. Vogel, Linda Arnell.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Young women, social status, intergenerational mobility, family life, labour market, value orientations (mlade žene, socijalni status, međugeneracijska mobilnost, obiteljski život, tržište rada, vrijednosne orijentacije)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2021 08:39
Last Modified: 10 May 2024 08:52

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