Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina and Zlatar Gamberožić, Jelena and Adamović, Mirjana (2021) Obnova zagrebačkog Donjeg grada nakon potresa iz perspektive stanara. Sociologija i prostor, 59 (2). pp. 135-159. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)
SiP 2021_2 Svirčić Gotovac, Zlatar Gamberožić, Adamović.pdf Download (5Mb) | Preview |
IN CROATIAN: Nakon zagrebačkog i petrinjskog potresa postalo je jasno kako je postpotresna gradnja i obnova stanova i zgrada ključna tema u zagrebačkom i prostoru središnje Hrvatske. U procesu planiranja postpotresne sanacije i obnove, među ostalim, ističe se uključenost stanovnika kao jedan od ključnih faktora njegove uspješnosti. Tom je namjerom vođeno i ovo istraživanje, koje je provedeno kvalitativnom metodom polustrukturiranih intervjua na uzorku vlasnika stanova i predstavnika suvlasnika u zagrebačkom Donjem gradu (N = 27). U radu se iznose mišljenja sugovornika o vrsti oštećenja te problemima s kojima su se susreli vezano uz učinkovitost rada gradskih i državnih institucija. Istraživanje nadalje ukazuje na probleme na razini funkcioniranja samih zgrada, koji uključuju nedostatnu visinu zajedničke pričuve te (ne)zadovoljstvo radom predstavnika suvlasnika i upravitelja zgrada. Rezultati pokazuju kako sanacija zgrada teče sporo te da proces obnove nije u skladu s očekivanjima sugovornika, odnosno da će se u procesu obnove stanari, unatoč subvencijama i donesenom Zakonu o obnovi te mogućnostima sufinanciranja, trebati značajnije osloniti na vlastite financije. Po pitanju cjelovite obnove gradskog središta nakon potresa, stanovnici smatraju kako je obnovu središta grada potrebno planirati u smjeru zadržavanja postojećeg identiteta grada te uravnoteženog razvoja između staroga i novoga te stambenog i poslovnog izgleda grada. Očekuju također i obnovu koja će pridonijeti održivijem urbanom životu u središtu grada koji pridaje sve veću važnost potrebama građana i podizanju njihove kvalitete života kako ne bi došlo do sve radikalnijih procesa turistifikacije i apartmanizacije, odnosno procesa iseljavanja iz središta. --------------- IN ENGLISH: After the earthquakes that hit Zagreb and Petrinja, the post-earthquake reconstruction and renewal of apartments and buildings became a key topic in the City of Zagreb and in the area of central Croatia. In the process of planning the post-earthquake rehabilitation and renewal, the involvement of residents is emphasized as one of the key factors of its success. Bearing that in mind, the research was conducted using the qualitative method of semi-structured interviews on a sample of apartment owners and representatives of co-owners in Zagreb’s Donji grad (N = 27). The paper presents the respondents’ opinions on the type of sustained damage and difficulties they encounter regarding the efficiency of the city and state government institutions. The research further indicates the problems within the buildings, including insufficient maintenance fees and (dis)satisfaction with the representatives of co-owners and managers of the buildings. The results show that the rehabilitation of buildings is slow and the whole renovation process is not in line with the expectations of respondents. Despite subsidies and the adoption of the Reconstruction Act, tenants will have to rely significantly on their own finances, despite the co-financing opportunities. Regarding the project of the complete city centre renewal after the earthquake, residents expect careful planning that combines residential and commercial development, balances the old and the new and preserves the city identity. They also expect the renewal that contributes to sustainable living conditions in the city centre, meets the citizens’ needs and raises the quality of living, avoiding the increasingly radical processes of touristification, apartmanisation and emigration from the city core.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Post-earthquake renewal of Zagreb’s Donji grad from the perspective of tenants. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Urbana obnova, postpotresna obnova, središte grada, intervjui, Zagreb (urban renewal, post-earthquake reconstruction, city centre, interviews, Zagreb) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 16 Nov 2021 15:15 |
Last Modified: | 16 Nov 2021 15:15 |
URI: | |
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