The Visegrád Group – a united front against a common European narrative?

Fila, Filip (2022) The Visegrád Group – a united front against a common European narrative? Der Donauraum, 62 (1). pp. 31-48. ISSN 0012-5415 (Print), 2307-289X (Online)

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IN ENGLISH: The perception of the Visegrád Group has changed since the beginning of the migrant crisis in 2015. For some the group now represents a sort of “united front against a common European narrative”. This paper challenges the superficiality of such a notion by identifying the ideological components of a “united V4” narrative and examining the extent to which both the ruling parties and the citizens of member countries agree with them. The main finding is that ruling political parties cluster into distinct two groups, the Czech and Slovak bloc being more moderate than the Polish and Hungarian group. The citizens of these countries can neither be clustered in a similar way, nor are they homogenous in their views, except to some extent on immigration matters. Also, citizens do not on average hold the same positions as their current governments. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Percepcija Višegradske skupine se od početka migracijske krize iz 2015. promijenila. Za neke skupina danas predstavlja svojevrsnu "ujedinjenu frontu protiv zajedničkog europskog narativa". Ovaj rad osporava površnost takve karakterizacije identificirajući ideološke komponente narativa o "ujedinjenoj V4" i ispitujući u kojoj mjeri se vladajuće stranke i građani država članica slažu s njim. Glavni nalaz je da se vladajuće političke stranke može podijeliti u dvije različite skupine, pri čemu je češki i slovački blok umjereniji od poljskog i mađarskog. Građane ovih zemalja ne može se grupirati na sličan način, niti su oni homogeni u svojim stavovima, izuzev donekle u pitanjima vezanima za migracije. Također, građani u prosjeku ne zauzimaju iste pozicije kao njihove trenutne vlade.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Višegradska skupina - ujedinjena fronta protiv zajedničkog europskog narativa?
Uncontrolled Keywords: The Visegrád Group, Euroscepticism, sovereignism, conservatism, anti-immigration, religion in politics (Višegradska skupina, euroskepticizam, suverenizam, konzervativizam, anti-migrantski stavovi, religija u politici)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2022 09:16
Last Modified: 10 May 2024 07:59

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