Đokić, Ratko and Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina and Adamović, Mirjana (2022) Sažeti rezultati anketnog ispitivanja predstavnika suvlasnika u višestambenim zgradama u Zagrebu i drugim hrvatskim gradovima. Biblioteka Posebna izdanja . Institut za društvena istraživanja, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-6218-93-6 (Print), 978-953-6218-94-3 (PDF)
Sažeti rezultati anketnog ispitivanja predstavnika suvlasnika u višestambenim zgradama u Zagrebu i drugim hrvatskim gradovima.pdf Download (11Mb) | Preview |
IN CROATIAN: U prvoj istraživačkoj fazi bilateralnog projekta sa Slovenijom pod nazivom Kvaliteta života u stambenim naseljima iz socijalističkog i postsocijalističkog razdoblja: komparativna analiza između Slovenije i Hrvatske (2020.-2023.) provedeno je anketno istraživanje s predstavnicima suvlasnika višestambenih zgrada u Hrvatskoj. Predstavnici suvlasnika igraju značajnu posredničku ulogu između stanara kao vlasnika stanova i upraviteljskih tvrtki u procesu upravljanja, održavanja i poboljšanja kvalitete zgrada u kojima stanuju. Stoga je namjera ovog istraživanja bila analizirati I istražiti ovu ciljanu populaciju jer sustavna istraživanja o njihovom i kontekstu u kojem se proces upravljanja i održavanja višestambenih zgrada obavlja u Republici Hrvatskoj gotovo ne postoje. Provedeno istraživanje doprinos je stručnoj i znanstvenoj analizi ovog procesa, ali i ukupne stambene problematike u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je ankete bio prikupiti (inicijalne) informacije i uvide o problematici kvalitete gradnje, kvalitete života te održavanja i upravljanja zgradama kao I mogućnostima provedbe energetske obnove višestambenih zgrada kod nas. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na prigodnom uzorku predstavnika suvlasnika (N = 353) metodom ankete. Dobiveni rezultati prezentirani su prema tri starosne kategorije višestambenih zgrada: izgrađene prije 1945. godine, u socijalističkom razdoblju (od 1945. do 1990. godine) i postsocijalističkom razdoblju (nakon 1990. godine). Stambeni fond izgrađen između 1945. i 1990. procijenjen je zadovoljavajućim u stambenom smislu. Zadovoljstvo predstavnika suvlasnika zgradama najniže je u kategoriji zgrada izgrađenima prije 1945. godine. Rad zaključuje kako su nedostatna financijska sredstva, nerazumijevanje značenja suvlasništva nad zajedničkim dijelovima, nedovoljna angažiranost upravitelja i nejasan zakonodavni okvir, neki od najvažnijih problema s kojima se susreću suvlasnici i predstavnici suvlasnika u svom radu. --------------- IN ENGLISH: In the first research phase of the bilateral project with Slovenia titled Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (2020.-2023.) a questionnaire survey was conducted with representatives of co-owners of multi-apartment residential buildings in Croatia. The co-owners' representatives play an important role of mediators between tenants, as owners of apartments, and building management companies in the process of management, maintenance and improvement of the quality of buildings in which they reside. It was therefore the intention of this research to analyse and explore this target population. Nevertheless, systematical research on them and the context in which the process of managing and maintaining of multi-apartment buildings is carried out in the Republic of Croatia is almost non-existent. The conducted research is a contribution to the professional and scientific analysis of this process, and of the entire domain of housing problems in Croatia. The aim of the questionnaire was to gather (initial) information and insights into the problems of building quality, life quality and maintenance and management of buildings, as well as the possibilities of energy efficiency renovation of multi-apartment buildings in Croatia. The empirical survey was conducted on an appropriate sample of co-owners' representatives (N = 353) by employing the questionnaire method. The obtained results were presented according to three age categories of multi-apartment buildings: those built before 1945, those from the socialist period (between 1945 and 1990), and from the post-socialist period (after 1990). The housing stock built between 1945 and 1990 is assessed as satisfactory in the housing sense. The contentment of co-owners' representatives with the buildings is the lowest in the category of buildings built before 1945. The paper concludes that insufficient financial funds, non-understanding of the meaning of co-ownership over common property shares, insufficient engagement of building managers and a vague legal framework are some of the most important problems that co-owners and co-owners' representatives are facing in their work.
Item Type: | Book |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. - Title in English: Summarized results of the questionnaire survey of co-owners’ representatives in multi-apartment buildings in Zagreb and other Croatian cities. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Višestambene zgrade, predstavnici suvlasnika, starost zgrada, upravljanje, održavanje, kvaliteta gradnje, energetska obnova (multi-apartment residential buildings, co-owners' representatives, age of buildings, management, maintenance, building quality, energy efficiency renovation) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 24 Mar 2022 10:51 |
Last Modified: | 08 Sep 2022 10:25 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/993 |
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