Yik, Michelle and Mues, Chiel and Sze, Irene N. L. and Kuppens, Peter and Tuerlinckx, Francis and De Roover, Kim and Kwok, Felity H. C. and Schwartz, Shalom H. and Abu-Hilal, Maher and Fisayo Adebayo, Damilola and Aguilar, Pilar and Al-Bahrani, Muna and Anderson, Marc H. and Andrade, Laura and Bratko, Denis and Bushina, Ekaterina and Choi, Jeong Won and Cieciuch, Jan and Dru, Vincent and Evers, Uwana and Fischer, Ronald and Florez, Ivonne Andrea and Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B. and Gari, Aikaterini and Graf, Sylvie and Halama, Peter and Halberstadt, Jamin and Halim, Magdalena S. and Heilman, Renata M. and Hřebíčková, Martina and Karl, Johannes Alfons and Knežević, Goran and Kohút, Michal and Kolnes, Martin and Lazarević, Ljiljana B. and Lebedeva, Nadezhda and Lee, Julie and Lee, Young-Ho and Liu, Chunquan and Mannerström, Rasmus and Marušić, Iris and Nansubuga, Florence and Ojedokun, Oluyinka and Park, Joonha and Platt, Tracey and Proyer, René T. and Realo, Anu and Rolland, Jean-Pierre and Ruch, Willibald and Ruiz, Desiree and Sortheix, Florencia M. and Stahlmann, Alexander Georg and Stojanov, Ana and Strus, Włodzimierz and Tamir, Maya and Torres, Cláudio and Trujillo, Angela and Truong Thi Khanh, Ha and Utsugi, Akira and Vecchione, Michele and Wang, Lei and Russell, James A. (2023) On the relationship between valence and arousal in samples across the globe. Emotion, 23 (2). pp. 332-344. ISSN 1528-3542 (Print), 1931-1516 (Online)
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2022 Yik et al. ... Marušić.pdf - Accepted Version Download (1MB) |
IN ENGLISH: Affect is involved in many psychological phenomena, but a descriptive structure, long sought, has been elusive. Valence and arousal are fundamental, and a key question-the focus of the present study-is the relationship between them. Valence is sometimes thought to be independent of arousal, but, in some studies (representing too few societies in the world) arousal was found to vary with valence. One common finding is that arousal is lowest at neutral valence and increases with both positive and negative valence: a symmetric V-shaped relationship. In the study reported here of self-reported affect during a remembered moment (N = 8,590), we tested the valence-arousal relationship in 33 societies with 25 different languages. The two most common hypotheses in the literature-independence and a symmetric V-shaped relationship-were not supported. With data of all samples pooled, arousal increased with positive but not negative valence. Valence accounted for between 5% (Finland) and 43% (China Beijing) of the variance in arousal. Although there is evidence for a structural relationship between the two, there is also a large amount of variability in this relation. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Afekt je uključen u mnoge psihološke fenomene, ali njegova je deskriptivna struktura, dugo tražena, još uvijek nedostižna. Valencija i uzbuđenje su temeljni, a fokus ove studije je na ključnom pitanju, a to je njihov međusobni odnos. Ponekad se smatra da je valencija neovisna o uzbuđenju, ali u nekim studijama (koje predstavljaju premalo društava u svijetu) otkriveno je da uzbuđenje varira s valencijom. Uobičajeno otkriće je da je uzbuđenje najniže kod neutralne valencije i da se povećava s pozitivnom i negativnom valencijom, što predstavlja simetričnu povezanost u obliku slova V. U ovdje objavljenoj studiji o samoprocijenjenom afektu tijekom zapamćenog trenutka (N = 8 590), testirali smo odnos valencije i uzbuđenja u 33 društva s 25 različitih jezika. Dvije najčešće hipoteze u literaturi - neovisnost i simetričan odnos u obliku slova V - nisu podržane. Uz objedinjene podatke svih uzoraka, uzbuđenje je poraslo s pozitivnom, ali ne i negativnom valencijom. Valencija je činila između 5% (Finska) i 43% (Kina Peking) varijance u uzbuđenju. Iako postoje dokazi za strukturalni odnos između njih, postoji i velika količina varijabilnosti u tom odnosu.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: O povezanosti valencije i uzbuđenja u uzorcima ispitanika iz različitih dijelova svijeta. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Valence affect, arousal, intercultural study (valencija afekta, uzbuđenje, međukulturalna studija) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 13 Jun 2022 11:00 |
Last Modified: | 28 Oct 2024 12:02 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1020 |
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