Pikić Jugović, Ivana and Doolan, Karin and Baranović, Branislava (2024) Exploring situated expectancy-value theory: a study of gendered higher education choices. Psihološka istraživanja, 27 (2). pp. 197-222. ISSN 0352-7379 (Print), 2560-306X (Online)
PI 2024_2 Pikić Jugović, Doolan, Baranović.pdf Download (335kB) |
IN ENGLISH: The paper explores the way in which motivational beliefs, gender roles and stereotypes, cultural resources and practices shape students’ choices of university courses in technical sciences and social sciences and humanities. It is grounded in Eccles et al.’s situated expectancy-value theory, with an emphasis on the importance of its gender dimension, as well as sociocultural background as expressed through cultural capital indicators. Questionnaire data were collected from 1301 secondary school students in Croatia. Results indicate that motivational beliefs, especially utility values, are the strongest predictors of study choice for both young women and men. Traditional gender roles predict weaker intentions to choose gender non- stereotypical courses. Endorsing gender stereotypes about a lesser talent of one’s own gender for occupations in technical sciences or social sciences and humanities predicts weaker intentions to choose courses in those fields of study. Finally, reading practices, serving as an indicator of cultural capital, add to the explanation of social science and humanities course choices for both young women and men. The implication of the study is the need to create intervention programmes aimed at deconstructing gender roles and challenging pupils’ stereotypes about educational domains and occupations. --------------- IN CROATIAN: U članku se ispituje kako motivacijska uvjerenja, rodne uloge i stereotipi te kulturni resursi i prakse oblikuju učeničke odabire studija u tehničkim i društveno-humanističkim znanostima. Teorijsku okosnicu rada čini teorija situiranih očekivanja i vrijednosti Eccles i suradnika, s posebnim naglaskom na rodnu dimenziju i socio-kulturni kontekst izražen kroz pokazatelje kulturnog kapitala. Upitnički podaci prikupljeni su od 1301 srednjoškolca u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati pokazuju da su motivacijska uvjerenja, posebno utilitarna vrijednost, bili najsnažniji prediktori odabira studija kod djevojaka i mladića. Tradicionalne rodne uloge predviđale su slabije namjere odabira rodno nestereotipnih studija. Podržavanje rodnih stereotipa o slabijem talentu vlastitog roda za zanimanja u tehničkim ili društveno-humanističkim znanostima predviđalo je slabije namjere odabira studija u tim područjima. Naposljetku, čitalačke prakse, kao pokazatelj kulturnog kapitala, dodatno su objasnile odabir studija u društveno-humanističkim znanostima kod djevojaka i mladića. Implikacija istraživanja je potreba za kreiranjem intervencijskih programa s ciljem dekonstrukcije rodnih uloga i propitivanja učeničkih stereotipa o obrazovnim područjima i zanimanjima.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Istraživanje teorije situiranih očekivanja i vrijednosti: studija rodno zasnovanih odabira visokog obrazovanja. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Situated expectancy-value theory, educational choices, gender, motivation, secondary school students (teorija situiranih očekivanja i vrijednosti, obrazovni odabiri, rod, motivacija, učenici srednjih škola) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology H Social Sciences > HM Sociology L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2025 10:57 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jan 2025 14:31 |
URI: | http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/1204 |
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