Ilišin, Vlasta and Mendeš, Ivona and Potočnik, Dunja (2003) Politike prema mladima u obrazovanju i zapošljavanju. Politička misao, 40 (3). pp. 58-89. ISSN 0032-3241 (Print), 1846-8721 (Online)
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IN CROATIAN: Tema su ovog članka mladi koji se nalaze u jednom od najneizvjesnijih razdoblja života – na prijelazu iz obrazovnog u sustav zapošljavanja. U Hrvatskoj i jedan i drugi sustav pate od manjkavosti koje mogu biti uzrokom različitih poteškoća za mladu osobu u procesu njezine društvene integracije. U najtežem su položaju oni koji su prerano ispali iz sustava obrazovanja, jer podatci pokazuju da će upravo oni najteže naći zadovoljavajuće (ili odgovarajuće) zaposlenje. Pritom je moguće prepoznati nekoliko osobito ugroženih skupina mladih: mladi s lošijim školskim uspjehom, oni nižih socioekonomskih prilika, tj. siromašni, mladi koji žive u ratom pogođenim područjima i koji su, vjerojatno, i sami bili svjedoci i žrtve ratnih stradanja, osobe s mentalnim i psihičkim poteškoćama te mladi Romi. Unatoč očitim manjkavostima hrvatskoga obrazovnog sustava pokazuje se da je i kod nas svaki novi naraštaj prosječno obrazovaniji od prethodnoga. Analiza obrazovne strukture hrvatskog stanovništva pokazala je znatne promjene i pojavu nekih novih tendencija među kojima su najintrigantnija slabija obrazovna postignuća muškaraca. Na porast stope nezaposlenosti utječu postojeći problemi u hrvatskom društvu, potpomognuti strukturalnom ekonomskom krizom. Nezaposlenost u kontekstu problema mladih povlači za sobom specifične posljedice koje svojim dugoročnim utjecajem sprečavaju mlade u preuzimanju aktivne uloge u društvu. Analiza osnovnih statističkih pokazatelja o nezaposlenosti mladih, te posljedica njihove nezaposlenosti i metoda njezina smanjivanja, pokazuju najslabije točke odnosa hrvatskog sustava zapošljavanja prema mladima. Članak donosi i kratak pregled politike usmjerene osobito prema mladima, a sadržane u Nacionalnom programu djelovanja za mlade koji je kao studiju početkom 2003. godine objavio Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži. Nacionalni program naglašava važnost državne skrbi i djelovanja na područjima obrazovanja, zapošljavanja i socijalne politike prema mladima. ---------- IN ENGLISH: This article is about those young people who find themselves at one of the most uncertain life junctures – the transition from the educational system to the employment system. In Croatia, both systems suffer from flaws that may mean a plethora of difficulties for young people in the process of their social integration. The dropouts from the educational system are in the worst position, since the data show they will have the hardest time in finding a satisfactory (or an adequate) job. Several groups of young people are particularly at risk here: underachievers at school, those with a lower socioeconomic status i.e. impoverished young people who live in war-ravaged areas and who most probably were eyewitnesses and victims of wartime atrocities and hardship, persons with mental and psychological handicaps and young Romanies. Despite the evident shortcomings of the Croatian educational system, it turns out that each generation is on the average more educated than the previous one. An analysis of the educational composition of the Croatian population has identified certain significant changes and the emergence of certain new developments, the most intriguing of which is the inferior educational performance of men. The increased unemployment rate is a consequence of the problems besetting the Croatian society, exacerbated by the structural economic crisis. The unemployment of young people has some specific consequences that, due to their longterm effects, prevent young people to assume an active role in the society. An analysis of the basic statistical indicators regarding the unemployment of young people, of the consequences of their unemployment and of the methods of its reduction, point to the weakest spot in the treatment of young people by the Croatian system of employment. The article also brings a brief review of youth-centred policies, as stated in the National program for youth-related activities that was published in the form of a study by the National institute for the protection of family, motherhood and young people at the beginning of 2003. The National program underscores the importance of government commitment and guidance in education, employment and social policy concerning young people.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. – Title in English: Youth-centered policies in education and employment. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mladi, obrazovanje, obrazovna struktura stanovništva, prerano napuštanje obrazovnog sustava, nezaposlenost, zapošljavanje, politika prema mladima, Hrvatska (young people, education, educational composition of the population, school dropouts, unemployment, employment, youth policy, Croatia) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jan 2017 14:57 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jan 2017 14:57 |
URI: | |
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