Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina and Ursić, Sara and Vukić, Jana (2023) Overall layout of socialist and post-socialist large housing estates in Croatia. In: REAL CORP 2023: let it grow, let us plan, let it grow: nature-based solutions for sustainable resilient smart green and blue cities: proceedings of 28th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, Wien, pp. 595-602. ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5
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2023 Svirčić Gotovac, Ursić, Vukić.pdf Download (421kB) |
IN ENGLISH: The study compares the overall layout of socialist (old) and post-socialist (new) large housing estates (LHEs) in Croatian large cities that depends on daily basis equipment and public infrastructure. The existence and quality of primary facilities and infrastructure is different in new settlements, where it is more often reduced in comparison to old settlements. The main differences occured during the last three decades of transition and market-led economy adopted by Croatia, when the construction of multi-family buildings became commercial and private, and when the construction of urbanistically planned housing estates as housing units became mostly abandoned. For the analysis, the qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with experts (N=26) was used, which was conducted in Croatia during 2022 as part of a joint and bilateral project between Croatia and Slovenia. The current study analyses attitudes of experts on how socialist and post- socialist LHEs in four major Croatian cities (Osijek, Rijeka, Split, and Zagreb) fulfill residents’ daily, primary level needs. Experts show that it is the level of neighborhood in which elementary differences in these estates can be seen, and that basic facilities used daily by the residents (school, kindergarten, health center, public transport, green spaces, public spaces etc.) often lack in new residential construction. Therefore, at the level of estates, socialist estates show that they are often better equipped than post-socialist estates, with more public and green spaces and facilities. Due to a large density of building during the transition period new housing estates experience a reduction in public services, green areas and equipment, and therefore a neglect of residents' needs. New residential construction is shown to be reduced in terms of the multifunctionality of space and estate, which should be urbanistically, sustainably and ecologically desirable, but it is often not the case. Thus, the architectural appearance of the post-socialist estate is inadequately adaptive for the residents, because it is too densely built and inhumane in its overall layout, with inadequate infrastructure and facilities, unlike the socialist estates that are, although older and more derelict, more desirable to the residents for everyday living. It is therefore necessary to regulate the future process of planning and housing construction through the national legal framework. --------------- IN CROATIAN: U radu se uspoređuje opći izgled socijalističkih (starih) i postsocijalističkih (novih) stambenih naselja u velikim hrvatskim gradovima, koji ovisi o osnovnoj infrastrukturi i opremljenosti naselja na svakodnevnoj razini. Postojanje i kvaliteta primarnih usluga i sadržaja drugačija je u novim naseljima, koja imaju reduciraniju infrastrukturu u odnosu na stara naselja. Glavne su razlike nastale u posljednja tri desetljeća tranzicije i prelaska Hrvatske na tržišnu ekonomiju, kada izgradnja stambenih zgrada postaje komercijalna i privatna, i kada se izgradnja urbanistički planiranih stambenih naselja kao stambenih cjelina uglavnom napušta. Za analizu je korištena kvalitativna metoda polustrukturiranih intervjua sa stručnjacima (N=26), koja je provedena u Hrvatskoj tijekom 2022. godine u sklopu zajedničkog bilateralnog projekta između Hrvatske i Slovenije. Rad analizira stavove stručnjaka o tome kako socijalistička i postsocijalistička stambena naselja u četiri najveća hrvatska grada (Osijek, Rijeka, Split i Zagreb) ispunjavaju primarne (osnovne) potrebe stanovnika na svakodnevnoj razini. Stručnjaci ističu kako je razina susjedstva ona na kojoj se očituju najveće razlike između tih naselja te da u novim stambenim naseljima često nedostaje osnovna infrastruktura i sadržaji koje stanovnici dnevno koriste (škola, vrtić, dom zdravlja, javni promet, zelene površine, javni prostori, itd.). Stoga se na razini naselja pokazalo da su socijalistička naselja bolje opremljena nego postsocijalistička te da imaju više javnih i zelenih površina te usluga i sadržaja. S obzirom na često pregusto izgrađenu stanogradnju iz perioda tranzicije nova stambena naselja doživljavaju redukciju javnih usluga, zelenih površina i opremljenosti te posljedično zanemaruju potrebe stanovnika. Nova stambena izgradnja reducirana je u smislu multifunkcionalnosti samog naselja, a koja bi trebala biti urbanistički, održivo i ekološki poželjna, što često nije slučaj. Stoga arhitektonski izgled novih naselja nije adekvatno prilagođen stanarima uslijed njihove preguste izgrađenosti te nehumanosti cjelokupnog izgleda, za razliku od starijih naselja koja, iako su starija i lošije održavana, postaju pogodnija za svakodnevni život i ispunjavanje potreba stanovnika. Nužno je stoga kroz nacionalni zakonodavni okvir bolje regulirati budući proces planiranja i stambene izgradnje.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Additional Information: | Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Opći izgled socijalističkih i postsocijalističkih velikih stambenih naselja u Hrvatskoj. - Full title of the book: REAL CORP 2023 : let it grow, let us plan, let it grow : nature-based solutions for sustainable resilient smart green and blue cities : proceedings of 28th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society :Beiträge zur 28. internationalen Konferenz zu Stadtplanung, Regionalentwicklung und Informationsgesellschaft. - Book editors: Manfred Schrenk, Vasily V. Popovich, Peter Zeile, Pietro Elisei, Clemens Beyer, Judith Ryser, Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Primary neighbourhood equipment, residential satisfaction, old (socialist) and new (post-socialist) large housing estates, quality of housing, comparative analysis (primarna opremljenost susjedstva, zadovoljstvo stanovanjem, stara (socijalistička) i nova (postsocijalistička) stambena naselja, kvaliteta stanovanja, komparativna analiza) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 28 Sep 2023 10:25 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2023 07:36 |
URI: | |
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