The principle of solidarity and the challenges of system and social (dis)integration: in anticipation of the new EU rules on migration and asylum

Martinović, Adrijana and Mrakovčić, Marko and Petrović, Nikola (2024) The principle of solidarity and the challenges of system and social (dis)integration: in anticipation of the new EU rules on migration and asylum. In: International Scientific Conference „EU at the crossroads – ways to preserve democracy and rule of law“: book of proceedings. EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC) (8). Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Osijek, pp. 611-639. ISBN 978-953-8109-60-7

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IN ENGLISH: In the wake of the political agreement reached in December 2023 by the European Parliament and the Council on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, it is necessary to reconsider the concept of solidarity as its breaking point. Although it is crucial for a fair sharing of burden and responsibility among Member States in the face of persistent migratory pressure, a workable solidarity mechanism seems elusive and difficult to achieve. The Pact’s intended paradigm-changing approach towards a more flexible solidarity has initially been criticised by Member States, human rights organisations, and academia alike. This paper aims to examine the conceptual issues surrounding the proposed solidarity mechanism from an interdisciplinary perspective, relying on the analytical distinction of the concepts of system and social integration in the understanding and explication of the processes of constitution, transformation and (dis)integration of the social order. The aforementioned distinction is conceptually useful for analysing the process of functioning and (dis)integration of the social order because it allows scholars to simultaneously analyse how different institutional solutions affect the functioning and compatibility of the social (sub)systems of that order, and how they affect the character of the relationships between social actors with different interests and identities operating within that order. Building on the existing extensive legal scholarship on solidarity in the EU migration and asylum policy, the paper will analyse the role of solidarity in the context of processes related to constitution, transformation and (dis)integration of EU. As an underlying value and a principle, solidarity permeates numerous areas of EU law and represents the “ideological” basis legitimising the European integration. However, it is often misunderstood or implemented in the manner which accommodates current political and social circumstances. Thus, it becomes a political tool, at the expense of its legal coherence. This has a far-reaching impact on the functionality and efficiency of the legal system, and potentially disintegrating effects both on the relations between the EU and the Member States institutional systems, and on the cooperativeness between political and social actors regarding the creation and adoption of future EU policies and laws. Lessons from other fields of law, notably from institutionalisation of solidarity within the social security law, will be explored to evaluate the position of solidarity in the context of the EU migration and asylum policy. The aim is to establish whether the patterns of flexible solidarity can represent a viable option which is in line with the legal conceptualisation of solidarity, and to investigate how strong is their (dis)integrative potential. This innovative approach will offer a wider and fresh perspective to the on-going debate surrounding the institutionalisation of the principle of solidarity in the EU migration and asylum law. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Nakon političkog dogovora koji su u prosincu 2023. postigli Europski parlament i Europsko vijeće o novom Paktu o migracijama i azilu, potrebno je preispitati koncept solidarnosti kao njegovu prijelomnu točku. Iako je ključan za pravednu podjelu tereta i odgovornosti među državama članicama u uvjetima stalnog migracijskog pritiska, djelotvoran mehanizam solidarnosti čini se nedostižnim i teško ostvarivim. Namjeru Pakta da se paradigma promijeni prema fleksibilnijoj solidarnosti isprva su kritizirale države članice, organizacije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i akademska zajednica. Ovaj rad ima za cilj iz interdisciplinarne perspektive ispitati konceptualna pitanja koja okružuju predloženi mehanizam solidarnosti. Rad se oslanja na analitičku distinkciju koncepata sistemske i socijalne integracije u razumijevanju i eksplikaciji procesa konstitucije, transformacije i (dez)integracije društvenog poretka. Navedeno razlikovanje konceptualno je korisno za analizu procesa funkcioniranja i (dez)integracije društvenog poretka jer omogućuje znanstvenicima da istovremeno analiziraju kako različita institucionalna rješenja utječu na funkcioniranje i kompatibilnost društvenih (pod)sustava tog poretka, te kako oni utječu na karakter odnosa između društvenih aktera s različitim interesima i identitetima, a koji djeluju unutar tog poretka. Nadovezujući se na postojeća opsežna pravna istraživanja o solidarnosti u politici migracija i azila EU, rad će analizirati ulogu solidarnosti u kontekstu procesa povezanih s konstitucijom, transformacijom i (dez)integracijom EU. Kao temeljna vrijednost i načelo, solidarnost prožima brojna područja prava EU i predstavlja “ideološku” osnovu koja legitimira europsku integraciju. Međutim, često se krivo shvaća ili provodi na način koji se prilagođava trenutnim političkim i društvenim prilikama. Time postaje politički alat, nauštrb svoje pravne koherentnosti. To ima dalekosežan učinak na funkcionalnost i učinkovitost pravnog sustava, te potencijalno dezintegrirajuće učinke kako na odnose između EU i institucionalnih sustava država članica, tako i na suradnju između političkih i društvenih aktera u pogledu stvaranja i usvajanja budućih politika i zakona EU. Lekcije iz drugih područja prava, osobito iz institucionalizacije solidarnosti unutar zakona o socijalnom osiguranju, istražit će se kako bi se procijenio položaj solidarnosti u kontekstu migracijske i azilantske politike EU-a. Cilj je utvrditi mogu li obrasci fleksibilne solidarnosti predstavljati održivu opciju koja je u skladu s pravnom konceptualizacijom solidarnosti te ispitati koliki je njihov (dez)integrativni potencijal. Ovaj inovativni pristup ponudit će širu i novu perspektivu tekućoj raspravi oko institucionalizacije načela solidarnosti u zakonu EU-a o migraciji i azilu.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Načelo solidarnosti i izazovi sistemske i socijalne (dez)integracije: u očekivanju novih EU pravila o migracijama i azilu. - Book editors: Dunja Duić, Tunjica Petrašević; executive editor Ante Novokmet. - Series ISSN 2459-9425 (Online).
Uncontrolled Keywords: EU migration and asylum law, principle of solidarity, system integration, social integration (EU zakon o migracijama i azilu, načelo solidarnosti, sistemska integracija, socijalna integracija)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
K Law > K Law (General)
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2024 13:16
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2024 13:53

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