Vrijednosti mladih u Hrvatskoj

Ilišin, Vlasta (2011) Vrijednosti mladih u Hrvatskoj. Politička misao, 48 (3). pp. 82-122. ISSN 0032-3241 (Print), 1846-8721 (Online)

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U članku se analiziraju vrijednosti mladih u Hrvatskoj u socijalističkom i postsocijalističkom razdoblju te uspoređuju s vrijednostima starijih i političke elite. Komparativna analiza obavljena je na podacima četiri empirijska istraživanja iz 1986, 1999. i 2004. godine. Rezultati pokazuju da su dominantne vrijednosti mladih ostale stabilne, s blagim oscilacijama u rangovima. Mladi se od starijih razlikuju po svestranijim interesima, većem prihvaćanju postmaterijalističkih i manjem prihvaćanju tradicionalnih i političkih vrijednosti. Također je ustanovljeno da je optimizam mladih konstantno na visokoj razini, kao i zadovoljstvo životom, koje je izraženije nego među starijima. U svim ispitivanim segmentima politička elita se primjetno razlikuje i od mladih i od starijih. Ukupni nalazi potvrđuju da prihvaćanje promatranih vrijednosti varira s obzirom na društveno-politički kontekst te dob i socijalni status ispitanika. Kako su te varijacije ograničenog dosega zaključak je da i ova analiza potvrđuje relativnu stabilnost vrijednosti te da se njihova međugeneracijska transmisija odvija na način koji ne ugrožava društveni kontinuitet. (IN ENGLISH: The article provides an analysis of youth values in Croatia in the socialist and post-socialist periods, comparing them with values of older citizens and of the political elite. The comparative analysis is based on data obtained through four empirical investigations conducted in 1986, 1999 and 2004. The results show that the predominant youth values remain stable, with minor oscillations in rank. The aspects in which the young are different from the older citizens are a broader variety of interests, a greater acceptance of post-materialistic values, and a lesser acceptance of traditional and political values. It is also shown that the optimism of youth is constantly on a high level, as well as their satisfaction with life, which is more pronounced than with older citizens. In all analyzed segments the political elite is noticeably different from both above-mentioned groups. The overall findings confirm that the acceptance of observed values varies depending on the social-political context, and the age and social status of the respondents. Since the scope of the variations is limited, the author concludes that this analysis gives one more confirmation of the relative stability of values, and of the fact that they are transmitted from generation to generation in a way which does not endanger social continuity.)

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Title in English: Youth values in Croatia.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Vrijednosti, interesi, zadovoljstvo životom, optimizam, mladi, stariji građani, politička elita, Hrvatska (values, interests, satisfaction with life, optimism, youth, older citizens, political elite, Croatia)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Depositing User: Karolina Vranješ
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2015 14:22
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2015 12:11
URI: http://idiprints.knjiznica.idi.hr/id/eprint/60

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