Bouillet, Dejana (2004) Odnos mladih prema vrijednostima i činiteljima obiteljskog života. Sociologija sela, 42 (1-2). pp. 173-194. ISSN 0038-0326
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IN CROATIAN: Ovaj se rad zasniva na podacima iz istraživanja Vrijednosni sustav mladih i društvene promjene u Hrvatskoj Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu (Ilišin i Radin, 2002), provedenog 1999. godine, na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1.700 mladih oba spola u dobi od 15 do 29 godina s područja cijele Hrvatske. Cilj rada odnosi se na analizu utjecaja određenih sociodemografskih obilježja mladih (spol, dob, mjesto stanovanja, stupanj obrazovanja i bračni status ispitanika) na njihovo poimanje obiteljskih vrijednosti i činitelja obiteljskog života, koje su opisane s 18 varijabli. Svrha analize jest identifikacija uporišnih točaka društvene aktivnosti koje bi pridonijele očuvanju kvalitetnih i za razvoj pojedinaca podržavajućih obiteljskih oblika, a mladim ljudima pomogle u prelasku iz mladenačke u odraslu dob. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju osnovu za prihvaćanje opće hipoteze prema kojoj spol, dob, mjesto stanovanja, stupanj obrazovanja i bračni status mladih utječu na procjenu vrijednosti i određenih činitelja obiteljskog života. Iz rezultata bivarijantne analize proizašlo je da se odnos ispitanika prema obitelji i obiteljskim vrijednostima statistički značajno najjače razlikuje kada se razmatra mjesto stanovanja i školska sprema ispitanika (u oba slučaja razlike su značajne na 7 promatranih varijabli). Spol i bračni status ispitanika statistički značajno utječu na četiri komponente odnosa spram obitelji i obiteljskim vrijednostima, a dob ispitanika na svega jednu komponentu. Rezultati su sukladni ranije provedenim istraživanjima koja ukazuju na visoki vrijednosni značaj obitelji u hrvatskom društvu, te potvrđuju opravdanost provođenja programa definiranih Nacionalnom obiteljskom politikom i Nacionalnim programom djelovanja za mlade, u cilju afirmacije položaja i opstojnosti obitelji koja je u suvremenim uvjetima u konfliktnom odnosu s tržištem rada. ---------- IN ENGLISH: This article is based on the result of the research »Value System of Youth and Social Changes in Croatia«, which was led by the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb in 1999, on the sample of 1.700 young people, both sexes, aged from 15 to 29 on the entire Croatian territory. The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of same sociodemographic characteristics of youth (sex, age, residential status, level of education and marital status of examinees) on their conception of family values and factors of family life, which are described with 18 items. The intention of this analysis is the identification of main points of social activities, which would contribute to keep the quality, as for the development of the individuals supporting, family circumstances, and help to young people during their transition from adolescence to adult status. The results of this research give a base to accept the general hypothesis according that sex, age, residential status, level of education and marital status have an influence on the estimation of values and same factors of family life. From the results of bivariant analysis proseeds that relation of examinees according to family and family values most statistically significant differ in the consideration of residential status and level of education of examinees (in both cases the differences are significant in 7 observers items). Sex and marital status of examinees have statistically significant influence in four components of relation according to family and family values, and age of examinees in just one component. The results are congruent with the researches which were held earlier,that showed a high level of importance of the family in Croatian society, and that justify the programs of National family policy and National program of action for youth, with the aim of affirmation of the status and the existence of family, which is in the contemporaneous circumstances in a conflict relationship with the labor market.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | Language: Croatian. – Title in English: The attitude of the youth towards the values and the factors of family life. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mladi, obitelj, vrijednosti, sociodemografska obilježja, Hrvatska (youth, family, values, socio-demographic characteristics, Croatia) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HM Sociology |
Depositing User: | Karolina |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jan 2017 11:22 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2017 11:22 |
URI: | |
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