Items where Author is "Domazet, Mladen"

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Number of items: 38.


Jehlička, Petr and Ančić, Branko and Daněk, Petr and Domazet, Mladen (2021) Beyond hardship and joy: framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery. Geoforum, 126. pp. 150-158. ISSN 0016-7185

Brajdić Vuković, Marija and Ančić, Branko and Domazet, Mladen (2020) Values underpinning a degrowth transformation of the socio-political system. Traditiones, 49 (1). pp. 141-158. ISSN 0352-0447 (Print), 1855-6369 (Online)

Ančić, Branko and Domazet, Mladen and Župarić-Iljić, Drago (2019) “For my health and for my friends”: exploring motivation, sharing, environmentalism, resilience and class structure of food self-provisioning. Geoforum, 106. pp. 68-77. ISSN 0016-7185 (Print), 1872-9398 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen and Ančić, Branko (2019) Complementarity between the EJ movement and degrowth on the European semiperiphery: an empirical study. Ecological economics, 157. pp. 120-128. ISSN 0921-8009

Ančić, Branko and Puđak, Jelena and Domazet, Mladen (2016) Vidimo li klimatske promjene u Hrvatskoj?: istraživanje stavova o nekim od aspekata klimatskih promjena u hrvatskom društvu. Hrvatski meteorološki časopis, 51 (51). pp. 27-45. ISSN 1330-0083 (Print), 1849-0700 (Online)

Ančić, Branko and Domazet, Mladen (2015) Potential for degrowth: attitudes and behaviours across 18 European countries. Teorija in praksa, 52 (3). pp. 456-475. ISSN 0040-3598

Domazet, Mladen and Dolenec, Danijela and Cvijanović, Vladimir and Tomašević, Tomislav and Walton, Jeremy F. and Doolan, Karin and Žitko, Mislav (2014) We need to change: ideas of growth and development in a time of crisis of fossil energy and capitalism. Etnološka tribina, 44 (37). pp. 37-71. ISSN 0351-1944 (Print), 1848-9540 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen and Baranović, Branislava and Matić, Jelena (2013) Mathematics competence and international mathematics testing: Croatian starting point. Sociologija i prostor, 51 (1). pp. 109-131. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2011) A law-constitutive explanation of fundamental material objects and “bodies that surround us”. Prolegomena, 10 (1). pp. 67-85. ISSN 1333-4395 (Print), 1846-0593 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2009) Društvena očekivanja i prirodo-znanstveno kompetentni učenici. Sociologija i prostor, 47 (2). pp. 165-185. ISSN 1846-5226 (Print), 1849-0387 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2009) On what value, my Lord?: how values intervene in hard legal cases. Balkan journal of philosophy, 1 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 1313-888X (Print), 2367-5438 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2008) Cartesian primary qualities in light of some contemporary physical explanations. Prolegomena, 7 (1). pp. 21-35. ISSN 1333-4395 (Print), 1846-0593 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2008) Feeling in private: rationality of emotions and social conditioning. Croatian journal of philosophy, 8 (22). pp. 129-140. ISSN 1333-1108 (Print), 1847-6139 (Online)

Doolan, Karin and Domazet, Mladen (2007) Political education in Croatian secondary schools: an emergency reaction to a chaotic context. Research in comparative and international education, 2 (3). pp. 210-221. ISSN 1745-4999

Domazet, Mladen (2007) Prirodoslovlje u kurikulumu za obvezno obrazovanje. Metodika, 8 (2 (15)). pp. 494-510. ISSN 1332-7879

Zlatić, Vinko and Božičević, Miran and Štefančić, Hrvoje and Domazet, Mladen (2006) Wikipedias: collaborative web-based encyclopedias as complex networks. Physical review E - statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 74 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1539-3755 (Print), 1550-2376 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2006) Einsteinova sinkronizacija i konvencionalnost istovremenosti. Prolegomena, 5 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 1333-4395 (Print), 1846-0593 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2006) Hard knowledge, soft values. Sociologija sela, 44 (4). pp. 505-524. ISSN 0038-0326

Domazet, Mladen (2006) Philosophy of science in action. Prolegomena, 5 (2). pp. 221-245. ISSN 1333-4395 (Print), 1846-0593 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen (2004) Bohrova filozofija i izmjene temelja fizikalnog jezika. Prolegomena, 3 (2). pp. 135-149. ISSN 1333-4395 (Print), 1846-0593 (Online)

Book Section

Brajdić Vuković, Marija and Domazet, Mladen (2022) Anthropocene. In: Handbook of critical environmental politics. Elgar Handbooks in Energy, the Environment and Climate Change . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 91-103. ISBN 978-1-83910-066-6 (cased), 978-1-83910-067-3 (eBook)

Domazet, Mladen and Rilović, Andro and Ančić, Branko and Andersen, Brennon and Richardson, Logan and Brajdić Vuković, Marija and Pungas, Lilian and Medak, Tomislav (2020) Mental models of sustainability: the degrowth doughnut model. In: Encyclopedia of the world's biomes: volume 5: anthromes - carved up by humanity: anthromes - sustainability in concept and practice. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 276-286. ISBN 978-0-12-816096-1 (Print), 978-0-12-816097-8 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen and Ančić, Branko (2017) How far for the money?: affluence and democratic degrowth potential in Europe. In: Green European: environmental behaviour and attitudes in Europe in a historical and cross-cultural comparative perspective. Studies in European Sociology . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 157-181. ISBN 978-1-138-12395-3 (Print), 978-1-315-64849-1 (Online)

Domazet, Mladen and Ančić, Branko (2014) Environmental sustainability and education: the case of Croatia and Slovenia. In: Sustainability perspectives from the European semi-periphery. Edition Science and Society (35). Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, pp. 327-344. ISBN 978-953-6218-58-5

Domazet, Mladen and Ančić, Branko and Brajdić Vuković, Marija (2014) Prosperity and environmental sacrifice in Europe: importance of income for sustainability-orientation. In: Sustainability perspectives from the European semi-periphery. Edition Science and Society (35). Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, pp. 145-172. ISBN 978-953-6218-58-5

Domazet, Mladen and Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka (2014) Sustainability on the semi-periphery: an impossible topic in a non-existent place. In: Sustainability perspectives from the European semi-periphery. Edition Science and Society (35). Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, pp. 19-49. ISBN 978-953-6218-58-5

Dolenec, Danijela and Domazet, Mladen and Ančić, Branko (2014) Why power is not a peripheral concern: exploring the relationship between inequality and sustainability. In: Sustainability perspectives from the European semi-periphery. Edition Science and Society (35). Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, pp. 173-194. ISBN 978-953-6218-58-5

Domazet, Mladen (2012) ENjoinED learning: cross-sectoral NGO platform for sustainability education in a group of post-communist countries. In: International conference The future of education: conference proceedings: 2nd Conference edition Florence, Italy, 7 - 8 June 2012. Simonelli, Milano, pp. 307-311. ISBN 978-88-7647-808-6

Domazet, Mladen (2011) Poučimo ih da odlučuju: važnost građanskog ("državljanskog") odgoja u sklopu razvoja prirodoznanstvene kompetentnosti hrvatskih učenika. In: Društvene pretpostavke društva znanja: zbornik radova. FF Press [i. e.] Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, pp. 159-172. ISBN 978-953-175-411-8

Domazet, Mladen (2007) Philosophical issues in educational transmission of contemporary scientific knowledge. In: Philosophy bridging civilizations and cultures - universal, regional, national values in united Europe: proceedings of the XXIV Varna International Philosophical School, June, 01st - 03rd 2006. IpHR - BAS (Institute for Philosophical Reseach - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Sofia, pp. 287-297. ISBN 978-954-91351-8-3

Domazet, Mladen (2006) Kvantna mehanika: znanje o kvantnom svijetu. In: Filozofija i znanost(i). Biblioteka Symposion (1). Filozofsko društvo Theoria, Sarajevo, pp. 111-134. ISBN 9958941910

Domazet, Mladen (2006) Znanje i kurikulum. In: Nacionalni kurikulum za obvezno obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj: različite perspektive. Biblioteka Znanost i društvo (18). Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 45-86. ISBN 953-6218-28-3


Brajdić Vuković, Marija and Ančić, Branko and Domazet, Mladen (2014) Podrška: trajni učinak ili poticajni trenutak?: društveni i gospodarski učinci podrški Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva: znanstvena studija u povodu desetogodišnjice osnutka Nacionalne zaklade. Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-7885-02-1

Domazet, Mladen (2012) Alice returns from Wonderland: ontological frameworks for explanation from contemporary quantum theories. KruZak, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-6463-69-5

Domazet, Mladen and Dumitru, Daniela and Jurko, Lana and Peterson, Kaja (2012) Civil rights and obligations are connected to environmental issues in the curricula?: a comparative analysis of education for sustainability content in 9 European countries. NEPC Comparative Studies in Education . Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-57241-0-0

Domazet, Mladen and Dolenec, Danijela and Ančić, Branko (2012) We need to change: mapping Croatia's potential for sustainable development. Heinrich Böll Stiftung Croatia, Zagreb. ISBN 978-953-7723-07-1

Baranović, Branislava and Domazet, Mladen and Jokić, Boris and Marušić, Iris and Puzić, Saša (2006) Nacionalni kurikulum za obvezno obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj: različite perspektive. Biblioteka Znanost i društvo (18). Institut za društvena istraživanja, Zagreb. ISBN 953-6218-28-3


Domazet, Mladen (2009) Explanations from contemporary quantum theories: some ontological characteristics. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Hrvatski studiji.

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