Young people, social inclusion and digitalisation: emerging knowledge for practice and policy

Moxon, Dan and Șerban, Adina Marina and Potočnik, Dunja and Connolly, Nuala and Pasic, Lana and Stefan, Veronica, eds. (2021) Young people, social inclusion and digitalisation: emerging knowledge for practice and policy. Youth Knowledge (27). Council of Europe, Strasbourg. ISBN 978-92-871-8650-8

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IN ENGLISH: Digital methods, tools and platforms, and their unexplored potential in the youth sector, have created much enthusiasm within the youth field. This Youth Knowledge publication explores the intersection between digitalisation and social inclusion of young people, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect. Can the digital revolution help us to tackle existing inequalities, or does it leave some young people even further behind? Is the digital world equally accessible to all young people? What are some of the inherent inequalities within the digital sphere? Do digital tools enable youth organisations, youth workers or state bodies to “reach out” to marginalised young people? In these 16 chapters, the authors critically examine if and how digitalisation can support the quest for social inclusion, ranging from the exploration of policies, tools and platforms available to young people and youth workers in Europe, supporting young people’s access to education and employment opportunities, opening up avenues for digital youth work, providing opportunities for participation for young people with disabilities, channels of integration for migrant communities and young refugees across Europe and support networks for young LGBTI persons. While there is an acknowledgement of the potential for the youth sector to use the possibilities of digitalisation to address social inequality, the authors also emphasise that this does not happen automatically, and more reflection is needed regarding the accessibility of technology and how our digital approaches can be made inclusive for young people from all backgrounds. ----------------- IN CROATIAN: Digitalne metode, alati i platforme i njihov neistraženi potencijal vezani su uz entuzijazam u sektoru mladih, prepoznat od strane uredništva publikacija Vijeća Europe koja analizira dodirne točke između digitalizacije i socijalne uključenosti mladih, posebno se osvrćući na to kako digitalizacija utječe na život mladih i koje uloge mogu nositi politike mladih, rad s mladima i istraživanja mladih. Može li nam digitalna revolucija pomoći u suočavanju s postojećim nejednakostima ili neke mlade ljude ostavlja još dalje? Je li digitalni svijet jednako dostupan svim mladim ljudima? Koje su neke svojstvene nejednakosti unutar digitalne sfere? Omogućuju li digitalni alati organizacijama mladih, omladinskim radnicima ili državnim tijelima da „dođu“ do marginaliziranih mladih ljudi? U ovih 16 poglavlja autori kritički ispituju može li i kako digitalizacija podržati potragu za socijalnom uključenošću, počevši od istraživanja politika, alata i platformi dostupnih mladima i omladinskim radnicima u Europi, podržavajući pristup mladih obrazovanju i mogućnostima zapošljavanja, uz otvaranje putova za digitalni omladinski rad, pružanje mogućnosti za sudjelovanje mladim osobama s invaliditetom, migrantima i mladim LGBTI osobama. Iako je doprinos digitalizacije sektoru mladih generalno prepoznat u području smanjivanja društvene nejednakosti, autori također naglašavaju da se to ne događa automatski, te je potrebno više razmišljanja o pristupačnosti tehnologije i tome kako naši digitalni pristupi mogu biti uključivi za mlade iz svih sredina.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: Language: English. - Title in Croatian: Mladi, društveno uključivanje i digitalizacija: nova znanja za praksu i politiku. - Chapter authors: Dan Moxon, Adina Marina Șerban, Dunja Potočnik, Lana Pasic, Veronica Ștefan, Karoliina Leisti, Vesa Jaakola, Roman Banari, Judit Gombás, Mária Magdolna Flamich, Mária Rita Hoffmann, John Delap, Eli, Seán, Kajetan Koperski, Millica, Hélėne Mariaud, Lukas Reußner, Roberta, Subhashish Panigrahi, Dan McQuillan, Ron Salaj, Cathy Street, Aiman El Asam, Adrienne Katz, Daniel Briggs, Ursula Curwen, Antía Pérez-Caramés, Belén Fernández-Suárez, Alberto Capote Lama, John Taylor, Anja Johnston, Rachael Hatfield, Thomas Schmidt, Jutta Schneider, Katrin Schuberth, Björn Bohnenkamp, Lukas Findeisen, Nuala Connolly, James Kenny, Lasse Siurala. - Second publisher: European Comission.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Youth, digitalisation, social inclusion, public policies (mladi, digitalizacija, socijalno uključivanje, javne politike)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
L Education > L Education (General)
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z665 Library Science. Information Science
Depositing User: Karolina
Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2021 11:43
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2024 11:23

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